Technical innovations
take, for example, the absolutely condensation-free, anti-reflective, German submarine steel diving watch –
made possible by hYdro technology. other examples include a chronometer chronograph fashioned
from a 22-carat gold alloy that is as hard as stainless steel and a chronometer with a magnetic resistance
of up to 80,000 a/m. there are also watches with a clockwork mechanism optimally protected from aging
by an inert gas and integrated dehumidifying capsule. the list would not be complete without mentioning
the development of mission timers (einsatzzeitmesser or eZM in German) for firefighters, for special police
units and border patrol guards. diaPal is one of our most important technological developments, with
oiling no longer needed for the most important functions in the watch thanks to the materials we select.
this technology was first used in 2001. With the aid of teGiMent technology, we achieve greatly increased
scratch resistance through surface hardening.
Ongoing advancement in technology and quality
our top priority has always been to develop watches
that offer superior performance – both in daily and
in professional use. Which is why our engineers are
working continually to identify which innovative
methods, materials and technologies are best suited
for optimising our watches. each new development has
to first undergo rigorous practical tests before being
incorporated. and no watch leaves our workshops
before it has been subjected to thorough checking
and fine adjustment by our master watchmakers.
wir setzen immer wieder werkstoffe ein, die für den uhrenbau völlig neu sind, so auch bei der auf 100 stück limitierten
1800 S Damaszener
. bei dieser uhr wurde der
traditionsreiche werkstoff damaszener stahl in eine für uhrengehäuse taugliche Form übertragen – ohne den reiz dieses besonderen materials aufzugeben. nein, es setzt
diesen sogar gekonnt in szene, denn das Zifferblatt wird zusammen mit dem Gehäuse aus einem block damaszener stahl gefertigt. das charakteristische damaszener
muster des Zifferblattes – ein wechsel aus hellen und dunklen linien – setzt sich somit auf dem Gehäuse fort.
We continually use materials that are completely new to the watchmaking industry, such as in our
1800 S Damaszener
, which is limited to 100 pieces. for this watch, the highly
traditional material damascus steel was rendered appropriate for watch cases – without forsaking but rather enhancing its special allure. for the dial and the case are
made from a single block of damascus steel. the signature damascus pattern found on the dial – an interplay of light and dark lines – thus continues across the case.