Singer 138W101 Instructions For Using And Adjusting Download Page 3

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Summary of Contents for 138W101

Page 1: ...SINGER 138W101 From the library of Superior Sewing Machine Supply LLC ...

Page 2: ...ters NOTE All of the above oils are available in 1 quart 1 gallon and 5 gollon cans or in 55 gollon drums GEAR LUBRICANT This sr xiolly prepored greose is recomrncnded for gear luhricotion on n1anufocturing sewing rnochines BALL BEARING LUBRICANT This pure grease is speciolly designed for the lubricotion of ball bearings ond ball thrust brwrings of n1otors ond electric tronsmitters ball bearing ho...

Page 3: ... 111d doctors coats and denim jt lllJHTs li o for general t ulntlar ork l t lt ts two needles an I t o roLtry Sl l ing hooks 011 Trtical txc s atHI sinnt Lt H Ol ody m d es t o par tlkl litws of lock stitch ing Tlw distann het l l n the two litH S of stitching lla lw from to 11 inch as ordered Speed The m t itlllllll speed reC tlltlH JHicd f r l t hine l lSI 1 is IT illtic tls per tJJitnitc The Il...

Page 4: ... Oiling Points Also cljustnwnls on tile laehine ell thl tilllllliJ c crn1 in till uppn t JI i 11f tl1e hrt pLJtc t11rn the fact pbl lljlii Jrd JJHI iJ till 11ick and he tri11 11 hit h arc tlttJ tlll IIII H tl tili IJ 111rn d ll ll lilt f JCI phtc tiHI ti htc 1 til thlllllh Ci ll Fi J nl View of a lliiii Sllowin Oilin l oints Also AdjnstniPnls on tlH 1 laclline Genuine SINGER Needles should be u ed...

Page 5: ... thread o1 er t l anl you i dll t Cll tile thut11h attd furcllngcr of the right hattd if leit twist the strand 11i11 11 ind tighter if ri ht twi t the c trandc 11 i11 Uti 11 ind 7 To Set the Needles Turn the halatil l wheel 11 l r tol ard Ill until the needle har 11111 1 up to its highec t poittl cH l ll the ct screws in the needle lt Jldn and put tl1e needles up int11 the holder ts far ts theY 11...

Page 6: ...the ll n i II l1rackct and JIHI c the hr tckl l t till rig ill or ldt as may he required then l ightc n ll1c sere The a lle1unt of tl1read 11111 1 c111 till ill hhill i rq llhted hy the crew 1 T inc JllOIT t Jrcad lll the h hhin t11rn tl1c crt 1 1 in Yardly To 11 ind lcc s thread on tl1e holi11in tt1r11 the sere out ardly l uhhins can he Otind lJilc lite machine 1 stitching To Thread the Bobbin Ca...

Page 7: ...he tllr td l 1111lr l11n t tiiL t tile prc ttrc f the 11 irc c ntr ilcr pri11 _ 11p tln lll _ h tl11 tlne ul gttide lJ 11p and fr1111l ri _ lll t ldt tlir1111gh thr IIJIJll l h lc il li i11 tilt end f tilt tllr acl t tk 11 1 ln T cl lll 11 tlirttll li the thre ul guide t J t ain tnd tlir lll _ h the thn 1d _ ltid 12 1cl l l I cl l 11 11 tlir ll _ h the ldt h lc t l l 1 itt the ltecdk htddn a11d fm...

Page 8: ...l tJg c l nh I Tensions The needle and H i hin thrc td s sh uld be lucked 111 tltc l l tt re uf the lltickttt ss oi tltt tltatnial thuc Fig 1 1 l crfPc t Stitch If the tcnsiun u11 till needle tltre td i II ti ht r if tiJ tl utt the lHliJIJitJ tl1re td i t l se the needle thread 11 ill lie str ti lil al JtJg till ttppcr surface uf the Illalcrial tint ti Jif Fir lG Tigll NPf dle TllrPad TPllsion II ...

Page 9: ...ti11 prin til l tck thn 1d 11r ilk I IIJ IJ t t Jll ci tll ilk 11 ill llllll tiJIH lw Jll llt tr l d J _ the l i11t 11l tile Jlt l dk a the 11n dk j dt llliill Fig lS djustlllf llt o Tlll Patl Controller halt t tl1e tiJre 1d l lllllr ikr o t Jl f Jll re C lltr llcr 1l 111111 1ll the tlirc 1d 1 1 11 til 1 t ere I 1 i J and r11tate the thrc td lllltrt lln pri11 l Jl t th ri ll f r Icc acti1111 r t l...

Page 10: ...l i11clt 11 ide 111aY lw used to detn1ninc the llrt Cct dic t tnce IJI Jt nlak in this adjustlllclll he sure see that the still h re 11 J 1r i set so that tltnc is no feeding 1 ltJ elllCllt hen the t ljustlltenl has hcc11 made securch ti hten the sere 17 To Time the Sewing Hooks et the feed rc tliat r pindlc hc td 11 iJtdi tte ci ht titrltt tn tltc inclt 1 cJilll tltt thr11 t platc aJHI tur11 tltc...

Page 11: ...1 the feed regt1hting pindlc head llll Fig 211 c holl ing tln lugh th notch in the latJcc 11 hecl indicate l iJ i 21 X It 1y l w of 1 ed llrivill I cc ntrk ltc glll cting llr cci t and Shaft showing the ff d regulatinf spinel and adjuslinJ i s rew CC which co11tes in co11la l with the conn o til spinclln to J i iC J ie tiiP Pngtl o stitch the llllllll n of t itches tC tlH inch 11 hi h ho11ld he 11...

Page 12: ...ed eccettlrit C I Tl C y tinll d T 1 1 111 tlti lite phte r l i I is tttaclwd II tite llttdcr idc f the ted f tltc tll tchi1te Tlti phte is m trked 11 itit ttl ttTII at it lo cr cnd tnt directh tl tt gsi k f tltc pLttc j tlte c tlbr 1 1 ig J llttilllttcd ott lite 111 k lt tft 11 hicit i tb J tn trkcd ll itlt an ttTil 1 ten rcpl tt ing lite hclt repbcc lite ar111 cI h tr t illt hitt tttd l t tttTI ...
