© 2007 Simpson Strong-T
ie Company Inc.
© 2007 Simpson Strong-T
ie Company Inc.
saFe HandlInG practIces OF p.a.t.
1. If the powder load does not fire after pulling the trigger, hold the tool firmly
against the work surface for at least 30 seconds. Carefully remove the tool from
the work surface, making sure to point it away from yourself and any bystanders.
Remove the load and dispose of it in a can of water. Unfired loads must never be
thrown in trash containers or carelessly discarded in any way.
attempt to force or pry an unfired powder load from the chamber
with a sharp or pointed object, as this may cause an accidental discharge.
attempt to disassemble a jammed tool containing a live powder load.
Tag the tool “DO NOT USE” and store it safely in a locked case.
Call your Simpson Strong-Tie
representative for tool repair.
4. If at any time during the operation of the tool you feel it is not working properly,
STOP using it and call your Simpson Strong-Tie representative.
5. If unnecessary bystanders are in the area tell them to leave,
warn all others that you are using a powder actuated tool.
6. Check the work surface to be sure it is clear of any debris.
Clear away any debris so that the tool sits flush on the work surface.
7. Check the work area for explosive or flammable materials.
If any are found remove them before operating the tool.
8. Check the chamber of the tool to be sure there is no dirt,
grit or foreign objects present.
9. Check the barrel to make sure you don’t double load it with fasteners,
and that it is clear of any obstruction.
10. Any tool found not to be in proper working condition shall be immediately
removed from service and tagged “Defective Tool”, until it has been repaired
according to manufacturer’s instructions.
BEFORE loading the tool, operate it a few times on a solid surface making certain all
parts move freely and that the firing pin clicks when the tool is fully depressed and
the trigger is pulled. “Dry firing” will not damage the tool.
OperatInG prIncIples OF p.a.t.
As the powder actuated tool operator, your safety and the safety of those around you
should always be kept in mind. Consider that the least powerful load used in powder
actuated tools produce approximately 10 times the power of a .22 caliber long rifle
cartridge. Respect this power as you would
a chain saw, a lawn mower, or a rifle.
Powder actuated tools are capable of fastening into concrete and/or steel.
The fastener enters the work surface with an extreme amount of energy. Make certain
not to misdirect the energy.
Indirect-acting type tools work by expanding gases that act directly on a
piston which drives the piston forward to strike the fastener.
Direct-acting type tools work by expanding gases that act directly on the
fastener without the use of a piston. Direct-acting tools are no longer
manufactured in North America and are regarded as far less safe to operate
than indirect-acting tools.
Powder load
releases energy
Power fastener installs
into concrete, cement
block or steel!
Piston drives
The PTP-27ASMAGR and PTP-27ALMAGR are indirect-acting type tools.