All the digital components of the SimonsVoss system 3060 can be programmed
directly from your PC or laptop using the SmartCD.
Warning: If programming is carried out with a PDA and SmartCD, the connection
cable from the SmartCD to the PC/laptop must be unplugged again.
Transponders can only be programmed if the SmartCD is connected directly (by
USB cable) to a PC/laptop.
To charge the built-in batteries, please connect the SmartCD by USB cable to the
PC (warning: it may be that the USB interface is switched off when the laptop is
switched off). The SmartCD batteries are then charged via the USB interface.
Configuration of Bluetooth ConneCtion.
When connecting the SmartCD to a PDA, please make sure that both devices are:
: : switched on and recognisable by Bluetooth,
: : fairly close to each other.
For further instructions for connecting the SmartCD and PDA, please consult your
PDA manufacturer‘s manual.
As the SimonsVoss appliance, please select „SV [serial number of your