User Manual
SilverBolt Heat Press
Q. Why Are My Transfers Browning?
A. If your transfer are browning then this is an issue with Over-pressing. There are a few
factors that can cause this issue.
One of the most occurrences of over-pressing is too much time. Double check the
time we suggest for that item.
Too much pressure can place a lot of heat on to the surface of the item and
cause it to scorch. If time and temperature are correct, try and reduce the pressure.
If the temperature of the press is off and running hotter than it is currently
reading than it will cause browning. To double check this we suggest using a IR
Thermometer to get a better idea as to what your platen is actually heating to.
Q. Why are my transfers coming out blurry?
A. When pressing sublimation blanks, one of the most common issues is blurry results.
Blurriness can manifest itself in two different ways: in the form of a duplicate image also
called “ghosting” which looks a lot like seeing double or an image that has reduced
During the pressing process, an image may shift position on the substrate causing
the sublimation ink to continue imprinting but in a different spot. This most often occurs
when the heat press machine is opened and the top platen picks up or accidentally
moves the printed image on the sublimation paper while the sublimation process is still
going on. This is avoided easily by taping down the design securely onto your substrate
with heat transfer tape so that it doesn’t shift at any point.
Blurry, dull image:
Over-pressing can be caused either due to too much heat or to much
time. A blurry, dull image is the most common sign of pressing your sublimation blanks
for too long or with too much heat. Simply decreasing the time usually resolves the