Silva Ranger Compass
is a precision instrument made by experi-
enced specialists in this field; it is the finest hand compass available for professional
use. Your Silva Ranger is finely crafted to withstand rigors associated with the out-
door professions. It is a rugged, durable piece of equipment that, with proper care,
will remain dependable and accurate.
e recommend that you read this manual to understand the basic functions of
the compass. When you read, keep in mind that no two compass applications are
identical. The instructions given here are intended to provide you with a working
knowledge that you will be able to apply in almost any situation.
he illustrated 360 Degree Graduations are based on standard dial graduations
of 360 degrees, in 2º increments. With this graduation North is 0º and increases
clockwise so East is 90º, South is 180º, West is 270º and 360º is again North. 0º
and 360º are the same direction.
he Silva Ranger Model 515CLQ has Quadrant Graduations. With this graduation
North is 0º and increases clockwise so East is 90º then it decreases so South is 0º
then increases so West is 90º and then decreases so North is 0º. Instructions in
this manual will apply to this graduation except when it is necessary to refer to the
proper “quadrant,” such as North 20º East, or North 15º West, or South 40º East
or South l0º West.