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Document NI0003_V04 : Installation note for solar panels with the Solrif frame
SILLIA Energie – 4 Avenue Pierre Marzin 22303 LANNION Cedex – France
Tel : +33 (0)2 96 05 80 50
SILLIA Energie recommends a minimal number of hooks to be installed, depending on the size of the
solar panel :
60 cells
(1705 x 1023)
50 cells
(1682 x 864)
48 cells
(1377 x 1023)
"Side” hooks
"Glass” hooks
Total fixing points /panel
The implementation of the hooks has to be made from the bottom to the top and from the right to
the left :
Fix the first and the last "Side” mounting straps of the first row of solar panels with two
stainless screws 4,5x35 (flat cylindrical head). Use the same type of screws for all the hooks.
Stretch a chalk line between those two hooks.
Take for reference the upper hole of the hooks. Use the same reference point to avoid gaps
between quotations.
Fix the other hooks of the lower row. Installation of the first module :
Insert the first module into the hooks on the right of the lower row.
Make sure that the frame recesses are facing upward.
Prepare the cables of the module to allow its connection with the following
Link the finishing pieces with the frame of the module. Verify that the
"Side” hook rests exactly in the recesses of the frame. Installation of the second module:
Place the right profile of the module in the
left profile of the previous module (cf.
detail 1).
Slide the module to the full in the “glass”
Assemble profile against profile: make sure
the modules are aligned with a 2mm gap
(cf detail 2).
Connect the cables of the modules
together making sure no cable get stuck
between mounting straps and modules.
Detail 2
Detail 1