Silicon Laboratories Wizard Gecko WGM110 Wi-Fi Wireless Starter Kit Quick Start Manuals Download Page 3

2.  Using the Pre-Installed Wi-Fi Demo

The pre-installed demo application will turn the WGM110 Module
into a Wi-Fi Access Point (AP). The built-in HTTP Server is star-
ted. It displays the temperature and humidity readings from the

Temperature & Humidity Sensor

, which is connected to

the I2C bus of the WGM110 Wi-Fi Module.

You can connect to the WGM110 Wi-Fi Module (using your smart
phone, tablet, or PC) and access the sensor data with a standard
web browser.

Connecting to the WGM110 Module

1. Search for nearby Wi-Fi networks using your smart device.

a. Select the network with the following SSID: 



2. Connect to the network with your smart device.


Connection does not require any security settings.


3. Once the connection has been established, open a web

browser on your smart device.

a. Go to address

4. You should now have access to the built-in HTTP Server, and

see a temperature and humidity meter on the browser screen.

a. The page is automatically refreshed.
b. Test the sensor by pressing your finger on top of the sen-

sor or by breathing on it and observe how the sensor
readings change.

5. Open the 


 file in the SDK to see how the demo ap-

plication has been made.

QSG119: Wizard Gecko WSTK Quick-Start Guide

Using the Pre-Installed Wi-Fi Demo

 | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly.

Rev. 1.1  |  2
