Rev. 0.2
3.2. I
C Isolator Considerations
After power (3–5 V) has been supplied to the board, connect a digital square wave input (5 Vpeak max, with
desired clock frequency up to 1.7 MHz) to the desired input channel. The Si8600/05 I
C isolators have 1 k
resistors already installed. If these resistors are redundant with another board that is being used to evaluate the
Si8600/05, the user should remove the redundant pull-up resistors to accommodate adequate drive current for the
test being performed.
Figure 4 illustrates Side B Pulling Up, with Side A following for the Si8600. The Si8600 was powered from 3 V on
both sides with a 100 kHz input test signal.
Figure 4. Side B Pulling Up, Side A Following
The test points in front of each device have 1 mm spacing. If desired, the test points can be replaced with a 1 mm
spacing terminal block to assist in evaluation.