Rev. 0.3
6. Software Guide
The evaluation kit software toolset can be downloaded from
. The toolset consists of
the following two applications:
ClockBuilder Desktop—Used to set up and evaluate the part and to save custom register map files.
Register Programmer—Used to program individual registers on the evaluation board DUT.
6.1. Quick Start
1. Install the ClockBuilder™ Desktop software and driver (assumes that Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 is
already installed).
2. Connect a USB cable from the EVB to the PC.
3. Leave the jumpers as installed from the factory, and launch the software by clicking on Start
Silicon Laboratories
ClockBuilder Desktop. Click on one of the shortcuts in the group.
6.2. ClockBuilder Desktop Software Installation
The following sections describe how to install and use the software. There is a readme.txt file with the installation
files as well as a software user guide installed with the software.
6.2.1. System Requirements
Microsoft Windows
2000, XP, Vista, 7
USB 2.0
3 MB of free hard drive space
1024 x 768 screen resolution or greater
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
USBXpress 3.1.1 driver
USBXpress 3.1.1 driver is provided and installed with the software. Newer or older versions of USBXpress available
from other EVB kits or online have not been tested with this software.
6.2.2. Microsoft .NET Framework Installation
The Microsoft .NET Framework is required before installing and running the software. Details and installation
information about the .NET Framework are available via a shortcut in the NETFramework directory or at the
following web site:
There are multiple versions of the .NET Framework available from Microsoft, and they can be installed side-by-side
on the same computer. The software requires Version 1.1 but can run under other versions. Contact your system
administrator for more details.
6.2.3. ClockBuilder Desktop Software Installation
The ClockBuilder Desktop Software is installed from the ClockBuilderDesktopSwInstall.exe file.
1. Double-click the install file to start the wizard.
2. Follow the wizard instructions to complete the installation for both the software and the driver. Use the
default installation location for best results.
3. After the installation is complete, click on Start
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Desktop Software. Select one of the items in the menu including the User Guide to get more details on how
to run the software.
6.2.4. ClockBuilder Desktop Software Uninstall Instructions
Close all the programs and help files before running the uninstaller to ensure complete removal of the software. To
uninstall the software, use the Add and Remove Programs utility in the Control Panel or click Start
Silicon Laboratories
ClockBuilder Desktop
The driver software must be uninstalled separately.