Rev. 1.0
8. Clock Output Circuits (OUTx/OUTxB)
Each of the 8 outputs (4 differential pairs) is AC coupled to its respective SMA connector. The output clock
termination circuit is shown in Figure 5. The output signal has no DC bias. If DC coupling is required, the AC
coupling capacitors can be replaced with a resistor of appropriate value. The Si5344-EVB provides pads for
optional output termination resistors and/or low frequency capacitors.
Components with schematic “NI” designation are not normally populated on the Si5344-EVB and provide locations on
the PCB for optional DC/AC terminations by the end user.
Figure 5. Output Clock Termination Circuit
9. Installing ClockBuildPro (CBPro) Desktop Software
To install the CBPro software on any Windows 7 (or later version) PC do the following:
1. Go to
and download ClockBuilderPro™ software.
2. Installation instructions and User’s Guide for ClockBuilderPro™ can be found at the download link shown
above. Please follow the instructions as indicated.
10. Using Si5344 EVB
10.1. Connecting the EVB to Your Host PC
Once ClockBuilderPro™ software in installed, connect to the EVB with a USB cable as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6. EVB Connection Diagram