1. Overview
In addition to clock generation, the input clocks can bypass the synthesis stage, enabling the Si5332 to be used as a high-performance
clock buffer or a combination of a buffer and a generator. The Multisynth dividers have two sets of divide ratio registers, an A set and a
B set. The active in-use divide ratio can be switched between the A set or B set via external input pin or register control. This feature
allows for dynamic frequency shifting at ppb accuracy for applications such as frequency margining. Similar A set and B set divider
ratios are available for the integer dividers, but the ratios must be integer related. CBPro supports the configuration and use of A and B
divider sets. Spread spectrum is available for any clock output sourced from the Multisynth dividers and is available for use in EMI-
sensitive applications, such as PCI Express. The 2-wire I
C bus can be used to control and configure the Si5332. Alternatively, some
device features can be controlled by an external pin via CBPro configuration of one of more General Purpose I/O (GPIO) pins. Exam-
ples of GPIO pin assigned control are clock input selection, frequency A/B select, spread spectrum enable, output enable, or I
C ad-
dress select.
Si5332-AM1/2/3 Automotive Grade Device Reference Manual
| Building a more connected world.
Preliminary Rev. 0.1 | 3