11.5 MIC - Japan
The MGM210P22A low power variants are certified in Japan with number 020-190253.
Since September 1, 2014 it is allowed (and highly recommended) that a manufacturer who integrates a radio module in their host
equipment places the certification mark and certification number on the outside of the host equipment. This combination of mark and
number, and their relative placement, is depicted in Figure 9.1, and depending on the size of the module it might also appear on the top
shield markings of the radio module. The certification mark and certification number must be placed close to the text in the Japanese
language which is provided below. This change in the Radio Law has been made in order to enable users of the combination of host
and radio module to verify if they are actually using a radio device which is approved for use in Japan.
Certification Text to be Placed on the Outside Surface of the Host Equipment:
Translation of the text:
“This equipment contains specified radio equipment that has been certified to the Technical Regulation Conformity Certification under
the Radio Law.”
The "Giteki" marking shown in the following figures must be affixed to an easily noticeable section of the specified radio-enabled host
equipment. Note that such section may be required to contain additional information if the end-device embedding the module is also
subject to a telecom approval.
The manufacturer of the final product is also responsible to provide a Japanese language version of the User Manual and/or Installation
Instructions as a companion document coming with the final product when placed on the market in Japan.
Figure 11.1. GITEKI Mark and ID
Figure 11.2. Detail of GITEKI Mark
MGM210P Wireless Gecko Multi-Protocol Module Data Sheet
| Building a more connected world.
Rev. 1.2 | 46