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6. OS & Driver support
The USB stick uses the SiLabs
CDC Driver to allow for virtual COM port communication over
USB. These drivers are required for proper device enumeration and are available for Windows
(Vista/7/8/10) and Linux from the Silicon Laboratories
Information regarding Zigbee & Thread Mesh networking firmware can be found at:
7. Bootloading Firmware
Bootloading allows the user to change or upgrade the device firmware via USB serial using
the XMODEM protocol.
If no application is present on the device, the device will automatically start into bootloader
mode. If the device already contains an AT-Command style application firmware, the
bootloader may be accessed using the AT+BLOAD command.
Once the device is powered, connect to the device using suitable terminal software such as
HyperTerminal, PuTTy or Telegesis Terminal.
Baud rate: 19,200 baud
Parity: No
Flow Control: No
Data bits: 8
Sending a Carriage Return character (ASCII: 0x0D) will display the bootloader command
prompt. The white LED will also be lit.
ETRX3588 Serial Bootloader v0000.06.03
1. upload ebl
2. run
3. ebl info
BL >
Press 1. to begin uploading a valid .ebl binary file. An XMODEM (128 Byte) protocol is required
to upload the file. Once the upload is complete, pressing 2. will run the application. Note that,
if the application does not upload correctly, or the application does not support
bootloading, the bootloader will no longer be accessible.