5.3.1 Host Interfaces
Data can be exchanged between the board controller and the target device through the VCOM interface, which is then available to the
user in two different ways:
• Virtual COM port using a standard USB-CDC driver
• TCP/IP by connecting to the Wireless STK on TCP/IP port 4901 with a Telnet client
When connecting via USB, the device should automatically show up as a COM port. The actual device name that is associated with the
kit depends on the operating system and how many devices are or have been connected previously. The following are examples of
what the device might show up as:
• JLink CDC UART Port (COM5) on Windows hosts
• /dev/cu.usbmodem1411 on macOS
• /dev/ttyACM0 on Linux
Data sent by the target device into the VCOM interface can be read from the COM port, and data written to the port is transmitted to the
target device. Connecting to the Wireless STK on port 4901 gives access to the same data over TCP/IP. Data written into the VCOM
interface by the target device can be read from the socket, and data written into the socket is transmitted to the target device.
Only one of these interfaces can be used at the same time, with the TCP/IP socket taking priority. This means that if a socket is
connected to port 4901, no data can be sent or received on the USB COM port.
5.3.2 Serial Configuration
By default, the VCOM serial port is configured to use 115200 8N1 (115.2 kbit/s, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit), with flow control disabled/ignor-
ed. The configuration can be changed using the admin console:
WSTK> serial vcom config
Usage: serial vcom config [--nostore] [handshake <rts/cts/rtscts/disable/auto>] [speed <9600,921600>]
Using this command, the baud rate can be configured between 9600 and 921600 bit/s, and hardware handshake can be enabled or
disabled on either or both flow control pins.
UG431: EFR32xG22 2.4 GHz 6 dBm QFN32 Wireless Starter Kit User's Guide
| Building a more connected world.
Rev. 1.0 | 18