Rev. 0.1
The JP47 header is used to connect the CP2114 SUSPEND pin (pin 17) to the D5 red LED. When the LED is on,
the device has enumerated with the PC operating normally. When the LED is off, the device has not yet
enumerated or is in the USB Suspend state.
5.1.13. Daughter Card Reset Connector (JP48)
The JP48 header connects reset to the GPIO4_C pin on the daughter card connector (J1). On the CS42L55
daughter card, GPIO4_C is connected to the CS42L55 RESET pin. The GPIO4_C pin is unconnected on the
WM8523 and PCM1774 daughter cards because the DACs do not have a hardware reset input.
5.1.14. CP2114 GPIO Signal Connector (JP49)
The connector JP49 provides easy access to all of the CP2114 GPIO signals.
5.1.15. Daughter Card Signal Header (JP50, JP52)
The headers JP50 and JP52 allow the connection of GPIO0-4 signals to the corresponding daughter card signals
(GPIOx_C). These jumpers can be used to route the appropriate GPIO signals to a custom daughter card.
5.1.16. Audio Control Buttons and Red Record Mute LED (SW1-SW4, D2)
SW1 through SW4 send audio control commands when pressed. In addition, the red record mute LED (D2) will
turn on when the record mute button is pressed (SW4).
5.1.17. Red Receive Toggle and Transmit Toggle LEDs (D3, D4)
The LEDs D3 and D4 will toggle when transmitting and receiving UART data. In order to use this functionality, the
GPIO pins must first be configured for TX Toggle and RX Toggle modes. By default, these pins are used for DAC
select 0 and DAC select 1.
5.1.18. Reset Button (SW5)
SW5 externally pulls the CP2114 reset pin (pin 10) low when pressed. If SW5 is held down, the CP2114 will remain
in reset until the button is released.
Table 4. Audio Control Buttons
Volume –
Playback Mute
Record Mute
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