C P 2 1 0 5 - E K
Rev. 0.5
6.4. Power Connector (J4)
This header (J4) is included on the evaluation board to provide several power options. The following describes the
functions of the pins.
Pins 1–2 connect CP2105 VIO input (Pin 5) to CP2105 VDD (Pin 6). Remove the shorting block to power
VIO from an external source.
Pins 3–4 connect the main +3 V net to the CP2105 VDD (Pin 6). The main +3 V net powers the other
components (five green LEDs and RS-232 Sipex Part) on the board.
6.5. SUSPEND LED Source Selector(J7, J8)
These headers (J7, J8) are included on the evaluation board to provide several options for the SUSPEND LED
source. The following describes the function of each pin:
J7[1:2] connects CP2105 Standard UART SUSPEND output (Pin 1) to the SUSPEND LED.
J7[2:3] connects CP2105 Enhanced UART SUSPEND output (Pin 17) to the SUSPEND LED.
J7[2]:J8[1] connects the main +3 V net to the SUSPEND LED. This will cause the SUSPEND LED to act as
a power LED.