May have difficulty following speech, especially in noisy
situations. This type of loss is often noticed by family first
rather than the patient.
Often has difficulty following speech and misses other quiet noises.
Amplification is very successful for this loss, but the patient also
needs to use good hearing tactics.
Unable to hear speech even in quiet surroundings and may not
hear general noises such as traffic unless they are loud.
Amplificatio n is very successful for this loss, but the patient also
needs to use good hearing tactics. Lip-reading classes could
benefit people with this hearing level.
Unable to hear most sounds unless they are very loud.
Amplification is often useful, but the patient will also need to rely
on good hearing tactics. Lip-reading classes would also be useful
for people with this hearing loss. Patients in this category may also
use sign language and watch sign assisted programmes.
Will need to wear appropriate amplification technology (e.g.
hearing aids, cochlear implant, FM) in order to hear conversational