spYdaq® is a system comprising of a number of radio transmitting sensors that
measure parameters and send them securely by using a licence free radio network to
a central Base-station. Each Transmitter is battery powered, and has the ability to
send up to 3 parameters via RF to the Base-Station. The maximum range is
400metres (line of sight). An addition repeater is available for extended distances or
noisy environments.
Models Covered by this Guide.
Getting Started
The spYdaq transmitters are supplied from the factory in the power OFF state.
Carefully open the transmitter enclosure by depressing the two tabs with a small screwdriver. The
battery should be pre-installed within the unit. All configuration is made using the USB Mini-B
connection to a Windows PC running spYconfig (Version 1.0.22 or above).
The example screenshot below shows the the parameters which can be changed and
information on the transmitter connected.
Each Transmitter must be given a unique Device Address between 0 and 15, and a Channel of
either A,B,C or D. The Channel corresponds to a pre-defined RF frequency. The Transmit Rate
determines how often the transmitter will take sensor measurements and transmit the data to the
base-station. The factory default value is 10minutes, this gives a good balance between the
amount of data obtained and the expected battery life. Reducing Transmit Rate down to 1minute
will significantly reduce battery life.
All transmitters have internal temperature channels fitted as standard, this channel cannot be
disabled. Some transmitters models also have internal humidity channels fitted, humidity
channels can not be disabled either. The universal channel can be selected for sensor type. Most
transmitters have a universal input connector which allows connection to common
Temperature/Process Signals. Configure the transmitter for the matching sensor type. The
configuration of the transmitter must be later programmed into the base-station. The base-station
will only accept data from transmitters which match its saved transmitter configuration.
Universal Sensor Connections (J5)
External sensor information.
3-wire RTD Temperature sensors are normally wired with 2 red and 1 white conductor.
Connect the white conductor to RTD1, then 1 red to RTD2 and 1 red to RTD3. Do not
connector RTD2 and RTD3 together at the connector.
Thermocouples should be connected using the correct compensation cable. Sensor tips
should be isolated type. Check with the sensor manufacturer for the correct colours for +ve
and -ve conductors.
When using 4-20mA loops the transmitters input is passive, an external power source is
required to excite the loop.
Isolation Note: the spYdaq input sensor is not isolated from the USB port, this may result in
incorrect measurements being recorded when the USB is connected. This is normally due to
grounded or non-isolated input sensors. Connecting a USB isolator between the computer
and the transmitters USB connector will overcome this issue.
Note1: Humidity & Universal channels are model dependant.
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SpYdaq Transmitter
Quick Start Guide.
(Room Type)
Signatrol Ltd
Unit E2, Green Lane Business Park,
GL20 8SJ
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1684 299 399