SL7000 User Guide
Drawing No: SIG-1135-01-17
Page 12 of 30
Change Note: CN0054
Real time Display
This is used to display the channels selected for logging in real time electrical units.
The displayed value is scanned initially within 1 second of the issue. The value is then updated at the
selected read rate i.e if the read rate was set at 1 hour, it would be 1 hour before the realtime display would show a
new reading.
It is advisable to run the real time display before using the logger for the first time to check that all the channels
have been set up correctly and that the sensors have been wired in correctly.
Issuing the Logger
Click on the Scan network Icon
click on the device and then select ‘Configure’
When the configuration is complete click issue to ‘issue’ the logger.
In the first General screen set the following parameters:
First Issue
The first time the logger is issued you will be prompted to issue an ‘Owners Manifest’ and a ‘Passcode’. This is the
only time you will be asked for this information and it cannot subsequently be change.
The Owners manifest is a 256 character string that that is used to identify the logger.
The passcode will be used to enable certain functions, restricting access to authorised personnel.
Make a note of the passcode and keep it in a safe place
Setting Alarms
The alarms are set at the time of the logger issue. Alarms are either high or low and have an associated time for
which the channel must be continuously in alarm before the alarm is triggered.
The alarm function depends upon whether or not the delayed start has been selected. If delayed start is not used
then the Alarm ‘arms’ the first time the measured parameter falls within the normal band i.e. if the high alarm is set
to 8 °C and the low alarm set to 2°C and the channel currently reads 20 °C the alarm will not enable until the first
time the temperature falls below 8°C. This is to prevent an immediate alarm condition at issue.
If delayed start is selected, the alarm becomes immediately active after the expiry of the delay. Similarly if trigger
start is selected the alarm becomes immediately active.
The effect of an alarm triggering is to change the colour of the LED indicator from Green to Red.
An alarm condition is displayed in a number of different occurrences within the TempIT application.
On the USB map a device which has an active alarm will have a red background to the icon.
In the real-time display, each channel will be individually marked with a bell, if an active alarm is
The graph screen will indicate alarm conditions by flashing the channel information line with the
appropriate colour.