Refrigerated Centrifuge with Heating System Sigma 3-18KHS
6 Using the centrifuge
Version 08/2012, Rev. 1.21 of 08/05/2020
• sb
49 / 89
Translation of the original operating manual, part no. 0701202
Pos : 140 /100 Sigma/100 BA Z entrif ugen Sigma (St andardm odul e)/060 Betrieb_Spi nc ontr ol L+S/ Spinc ontrol S (Z ent7)/ 060- 0030-0020-0080 M enü Kurve @ 27\mod_1405320228169_68. docx @ 193389 @ 4 @ 1
Curve menu
This menu is used to create and edit customised acceleration and
deceleration curves (see chapter 11.3 - "Acceleration and deceleration
curves"). It is symbolised by the "
" symbol on the menu bar.
Fig. 21: Menu "Curve"
Creating or changing an acceleration curve
During a centrifugation run, curves can only be displayed. They cannot be
changed or deleted.
• Select the "Curve" menu. The curve editor will be displayed.
• Select a curve number between 20 and 29 in the input field "Curve". If
the curve number is already used, the stored curve will be displayed.
• The input field "Int" is used to specify the interval number of the
process. Up to ten intervals can be entered for a curve.
• Enter the interval time of the current interval into the input field "Time".
While doing so, certain restrictions must be taken into consideration
(see below).
• Enter the desired acceleration under "min
" (rpm) or "RCF". While doing
so, certain restrictions must be taken into consideration (see below).
The values are interdependent.
• In the first interval, "QUAD/LIN" can be used to select a linear or
quadratic rise. All of the other intervals are linear.
The field "Total" shows the total runtime of the process. The maximum total
runtime of a curve depends on the slope of the curve and on the final speed
of the rotor.
Only the last curve interval can be changed retroactively.