Security & location
Security status
Turn Google Play protect on / off and report on it
Turn on and set up the "Find My device" feature
Device security
There is a changing of security settings of device and SIM- or USIM-card.
Locking the screen. Type setting screen lock
Lock screen preferences
Smart Lock. You need to set the screen lock to turn on. With Google Smart Lock
you can easily protect your devices and accounts. Smart Lock automatically blocks
the tablet or phone when it's not with you and unlocks the device when it's safe.
You can choose how to unlock your Android device: through certain Bluetooth or
NFC connections, in trusted locations when you hold it, or when it recognizes your
The setting changing is for applying to the location information.
: collection of information about the location mode.
Last requests
: viewing programs that use information about location and its battery
Show passwords
Activate / deactivate the short-term password display feature when you enter it
Other settings for device security
Device admin apps: view device administrators, installed on it. Administrators
may be allowed to use on the device new policy.
Data protection. To protect data from unwanted access using a graphic key
Setting of SIM-card locking:
To lock SIM-card: enable or disable the lock option with the help of PIN-
code to request PIN-code before using the device.
To change the PIN-code of the SIM-card: PIN-code changing that is used for
the access on the SIM-card.
Type of storage: set up the type of storage for account data saving.
Trusted account data: certificate and account data usage to ensure secure use of
various applications.
Certificates installation: to install encrypted certificates stored on USB-drives.