Building the Wing Center Section
Pin the 1/16" x 3/16" trailing edge into position on the plan. Pin the 1/16" sq. bottom spar into position.
Glue rib W-1 into position.
Glue the two W-3 wing ribs into position.
Glue the 1/16" sq. top spar Into position. The ends can extend slightly past the W-3 ribs.
Glue W-1A to the front of W-1. Now glue the two W-2 ribs into position.
Glue the two 3/32" sq. leading edge pieces into position.
Remove the wing center section from the plan.
Building the Right and Left Wing Panel
Pin the 1/16" x 3/16" trailing edge into position.
Pin the 1/16" sq. lower spar into position.
Position and glue rib W-4 and the four W-5 ribs into position.
Glue the 3/32" sq. leading edge into position.
Glue the two 1/16" x 3/16" wing strut supports into position.
Glue the wing tip parts W-6 and W-7 together.
Glue the wing tip into position. Be sure to raise the end to match the height of the top 1/16" sq. spar as shown on the plan.
Cut a bevel on one end of the 1/16" sq. top spar and glue it Into position. The inboard end can be slightly longer than shown
on the plan.
Remove the wing panel from the plan. Now build the Left wing panel in the same manner as you did the right.
Joining the Wing
Pin the center section back onto the plan. Place the left and right panels into position. Raise the wing tips for the proper
dihedral shown on the plan. This should be 1/2" under the last wing rib. Do a final check to ensure that everylhing is aligned
properly and then glue the left and right wing panels to the center section.
Remove the wing from the plan and sand it smooth. Sand the leading edge round and sand a taper on the trailing edge.
Cover the Model
Sand the entire model smooth with 400 grit sandpaper. Test fit the wings to the fuselage. Test fit the tail surface with the
fuselage. Make any adjustments necessary to achieve the proper fit.
Coat the edges and surfaces that will touch the tissue covering with two coats of clear dope.
Attach the tissue to the model with dear dope mixed 50/50 with thinner. Do not cover the top rear of the fuselage between
the wing and the tail now. This area will be covered after the wing is attached to the fuselage and the top rear stringer is
glued Into position.
Lightly mist the model with water to shrink the tissue.