worktable and note the attitude of the fuselage. The airplane
should balance on your fingertips in level position - not nose up or
nose down. If the nose hangs low, the model is "nose heavy". If
the tail hangs low, this means that the model is "tail heavy". If
either of these conditions exists, you must make adjustments to
correct the problem. Never attempt to fly a model that is out of
balance! Since the flight battery pack is the single heaviest
component in the airplane, it can be used to adjust almost any tail
heavy or nose heavy condition. This is simply done by moving the
battery forwards or backwards inside the airplane.
The KADET EP-42B appeals to R/C fliers of all experience levels -
from beginners to expert pilots. Assuming that the expert pilots will
not need much guidance, these flying notes are written for the R/C
Be sure your flight battery pack is fully charged. Also, be sure your
transmitter is fully charged. We highly recommend that you
perform a standard range check on your radio system - with and
without the motor running. Make sure your propeller is balanced
and has no nicks or cracks - never fly with a faulty propeller!
Finally, take a few minutes to give your model a thorough pre-flight
inspection. Make sure everything is secure and tight and
operating properly, before attempting to fly the model. Any
problems you have will not magically disappear at the field - they
will get worse!
If you are new to the hobby of flying R/C model airplanes, DO NOT
attempt to fly this model by yourself! We strongly urge you to seek
the help of a competent flight instructor. There are hundreds of
R/C clubs in the U.S. and these clubs normally have designated
instructors, who are eager to help newcomers. The easiest way to
find an R/C flying club in your area is to ask your local hobby shop
or check the AMA (Academy of Model Aeronautics) web site:
www.modelaircraft.org .
An R/C flight instructor serves two important functions. First, he
will test fly your new airplane to make sure it is performing
correctly, before you try to fly it. These first flights are called "trim
flights". During these flights, the flight instructor will "trim" the
model from the transmitter to ensure that it flies straight and level
without any problems. When a brand new R/C model takes off for
the first time, there is no way of knowing which way it might go.
Some models will try to climb, while others may want to go down.
Some will try to turn left, others right. Some models will be doing
both at the same time! It doesn't mean that there is anything wrong
with the model, but these minor differences must be "trimmed out"
sheet with a sharp #11 hobby knife or a sharp scissors.
Small decals can be easily applied to the model by simply
removing the paper backing sheet, and then, laying the decal in
position and pressing it in place with your finger.
For the larger decals, such as the "KADET EP-42" wing decal, we
suggest the following method of application:
a) Carefully cut out the decal with a hobby knife.
b) Peel the paper backing sheet completely off the decal,
being careful not to let the sticky side double over and
adhere to itself.
c) Use a product like SIG Pure Magic Model Airplane Cleaner,
, or Windex
to spray the adhesive side of the
decal. Also, spray the area of the model that will receive the
d) Lightly place the decal onto the wet surface of the model.
The liquid cleaner solution will keep the decal from actually
sticking to the model until you have had time to shift it
around into exact position. Once in position, use a piece of
stiff cardboard (or sheet balsa, thin plywood, or a SIG
SH678 EPOXY SPREADER) to squeegee the excess liquid
out from under the decal. Squeegee repeatedly, removing
all excess liquid and any air bubbles. Mop up the liquid with
a paper towel. Allow to dry overnight.
e) When completely dry, wash off any soapy smears with a
soft clean wet rag.
An R/C model should always be balanced with
everything on board, ready for flight. The flight battery must be
installed in the fuselage and the propeller and spinner must be
mounted in place when balancing the model.
Because the EP-42B is a fundamentally light
airplane, the single largest influence in establishing the correct
balance is the flight battery pack. As mentioned earlier, we have
used 3-cell (3S) LiPo battery packs in the 910 mAh (3 ounces) to
1400 mAh (4.1 ounces) range. These packs all provide plenty of
flight time, so we chose the pack that best balanced the airplane.
We suggest that you do the same thing.
2-1/4" (28%) to 2-3/8" (30%)
Behind The Leading Edge Of The Wing
The main wing spar of the KADET EP-42B is located precisely
in the middle of this balance range. This means that the simplest
way to check the balance of your KADET EP-42B is to place a
fingertip, one on each side of the fuselage, at the main spar
location on the bottom of the wing. Slowly lift the airplane off the
Summary of Contents for KADET EP-42B
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