Your First Flights
Make sure that all flying surfaces are straight and warp free.
Wind the motor about 100 turns.
Point the nose of the model into any gentle breeze that may be blowing.
Release the propeller and after it starts turning gently toss the model aiming the nose at a point on the ground 100' in front
of you. Adjust the model to circle while gradually increasing the number of turns in the motor. Adjustments can be made by
gently bending the tail surfaces and wing trailing edge.
A properly trimmed model will circle to the left while climbing under power, level out as the power runs down and transitions
into a right hand circling glide.
Herr Engineering Corp. guarantees this kit to be free from defects in both materials and workmanship at the time of purchase.
This warranty does not cover any component damaged buy use or modification. In no case shall Herr Engineering
Corporation's liability exceed the original cost of the purchased kit. Further Herr Engineering Corp. reserves the right to
change or modify this warranty without notice.
In that Herr Engineering Corporation has no control over the assembly or use, no liability shall be assumed or accepted for
any damage resulting from the use by the user during construction of the kit or the use of the final user assembled product.
By the act of building this kit and/or using the final user assembled product, the user accepts all liability.
If the buyer and/or user is not prepared to accept all of the liability associated with this product, he is advised to immediately
return this kit in new and unused condition to the place of purchase for a full refund.
© Copyright SIG Mfg. Co., Inc.
SIG MFG. CO., INC............Montezuma, Iowa 50171-0520
In use of our products, Sig Mfg. Co.'s only obligation shall be to replace such quantity of the product proven to be defective.
User shall determine the suitability of the product for his or her intended use and shall assume all risk and liability in connection