Building the Left Wing
Pin the lower 1/4" sq. spar and the lower trailing edge sheet to the left wing plan.
Glue the lower plywood dihedral braces to the front and rear of the lower spar. Cut the lower 1/16" sheet for the lower
inboard end of the wing and glue in place between the trailing edge and the dihedral brace.
Place rib W-1 into position. Use the dihedral gauge to angle the top of this rib toward the tip and glue the rib into position.
Glue W-2, W-3 all of the W-4 ribs into position. These ribs should be 90 degrees to the building board.
Glue the top 1/4" sq. spar into position. The inboard end ofthe spar should end flush with the face of the W-1 rib. Glue the
top plywood dihedral braces to the front and rear of the top spar.
Glue the 1/4" sq. leading edge, the 3/32" sq. strips and the top trailing edge sheet to the wing.
Add the 1/16" sheet to the inboard end of the wing between the spar and the trailing edge. Use three pieces of 1/16" sheet
to sheet the inboard top of the wing from the spar to the leading edge. These pieces go between the 3/32" sq. strips and
not on top of them.
Remove the wing from the plan and add the lower 1/16" sheet to the inboard end between the spar and the leading edge.
Glue the landing gear block into position and drill the 3/32" hole in the landing gear block.
Trim and sand the spars, leading edge and the trailing edge flush with the last W-4 rib.
Building the Right Wing
Place the left wing into position on the end of the right wing plan. Place a spacer under the last W-4 rib to raise the tip 3
3/4" above the building board. The lower 1/16" plywood dihedral braces for the right wing should be flat against the plan.
Pin the left wing into this position.
Pin the lower spar and the trailing edge sheet into position for the right wing. Glue the spar to the dihedral brace and glue
the trailing edge to the left wing.
Add the lower rear inboard sheet to the right wing and finish assembling the right wing as you did the left.
When the right wing is finished, sand the entire wing smooth and sand the leading edge round .
Glue the 3/4" triangle wing tips to the ends of the wing. The front of the tip block should be flush with the leading edge, and
the bottom should be flush with the bottom of the W-4 rib. Sand the tip blocks to match the airfoil section of the ribs and
then sand them smooth.
Remove the cowl, engine, control surfaces, pushrods, landing gear and other items. Sand the entire model smooth with
320 grit sandpaper.
Cover the model with your choice of iron on covering materials.
Paint the the top of the fuselage and the formers in the cockpit area with black paint.
Fit the canopy into position and cut away the covering from the wood where the canopy will fit. Now glue the canopy to the
Mask off the windows on the canopy and the rest of the fuselage and paint the canopy to match the color of the model.
When the paint is dry you can remove the masking.
Paint the firewall with fuel proof paint.
Apply the decals and other markings as desired. An ultra fine Sharpie Marker can be used to draw panel lines and other
details. Paint the wing hold down dowels and the cowl.
Summary of Contents for Award Winning Model Designs Piper Cherokee
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