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The DSP+ detectors are connected to each other in parallel configuration, as well as to the
line module.
It is possible to connect up to 500 addresses to one LCP+ line module. These addresses can
be used by a combination of DSP+ or LIP+ modules.
LIP+ module provides two double-balanced inputs, whose states are distinguished by different
values of balancing resistance for each input. These inputs allow connecting a different security
device to the P system (magnetic contact, IR or MW barrier etc.). LPP+ overvoltage
protection module is installed on the line in order to increase the overvoltage resistance of the
system. It is also possible to fit the line with insulator modules which allow for automatic
disconnection of a specific part of the line that is experiencing technical problems in form of a lead in,
a short circuit etc. Their fitting is especially appropriate for installations of circular or continuous
connection design.
Being the core of the system, CUP+ unit is fitted with several auxiliary module ports. Directly
on the CUP+ board, there are four OC outputs which can be configured freely. The number of
or IOP+/RS485 modules via ETH and RS485 ports. These modules are equipped with relay outputs
and can be used to connect the P system outputs to inputs of equipment made by other
manufacturers (security central, DVR etc.) while maintaining the galvanic separation of these
P acts as a fully autonomous alarm system and its programmable outputs can be
connected to common security centrals just like standard sensors. In this case, the detector groups
are usually combined within the appropriate outputs and the system detects alarm situations based
on individual, freely defined zones.
HW of the P System
P Detection Line
The detection line of the P perimeter detection system consists of DSP+ detectors
interconnected by a twin core cable. This cable is used as a power supply, as well as a digital data
transfer line between the detectors and the evaluation unit.
The detection lines are made in three versions: Standard, Antivandal and Hidden. This
corresponds with the designation marking of the detection lines (for ordering purposes):
DSP+ / X / YY / ZZ
– Standard
– Antivandal
– Hidden
Posts spacing in decimetres
(for Standard and Antivandal)
– Basic