TC3x Multiplexer User's Guide
TC3x_UG_01_V03.10 -
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When PC Mux is in service, it disposes of the 4 COM Ports which have been defined in simulation.ini
and no other application can use them.
5.2 Stopping the PC Mux
To stop the multiplex mode, choose
Disable Multiplexer
from the Combo Box of the Multiplexer
Simulation. Click on
This switches the module back to Normal Mode. The RS232 interface of the module is now connected
to the first logical channel.
No ATC-response traffic must be ongoing on any of the three logical channels when switching off the
Clicking on
frees the COM Ports and PC Mux can be terminated. You can use the COM Port
which is connected to the module e.g. for starting a terminal program.
It is crucial that PC Mux be terminated as described above. If you terminate the PC Mux or switch off
the PC while the multiplexer mode is still active, the module stays in the multiplexer mode. PC Mux is
not able to synchronize with a running Mux protocol, so that the module must be restarted.
Figure 9: Multiplexer Simulation status field description