TC3x Multiplexer User's Guide
TC3x_UG_01_V03.10 -
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1 Introduction
The TC3x supports the basic option of the multiplex mode according to the ETSI TS 101 369, GSM
07.10 Multiplexer protocol and enables one physical serial interface to be partitioned into three virtual
channels. This allows you to take advantage of three simultaneous sessions running on one serial
interface. For example, you can send or receive data on the first channel, while the other two channels
are free to control the GSM engine with AT commands. In this document the multiplexer integration in
the module is also referred to as
internal multiplexer
Outside the module on the application side of the serial interface another multiplexer must be integra-
ted, in order to demultiplex the signal and distribute it on the 3 virtual channels. This
must be provided by the user.
For demonstration and test purposes a Windows program, the Multiplexer Simulation (PC Mux) is
available, which simulates the external multiplexer on a PC running with Windows NT. The multiplexer
protocol (MP) sources can be provided.
The purpose of this document is to describe how to install, configure and use the multiplexer in the
module as well as the Simulation of the multiplexer protocol (PC Mux) for Siemens TC3x GSM engines
and to explain how to integrate the external multiplexer in your application.
1.1 Supported product versions and related documents
Please note that this User Guide is intended for TC35 Version V03.10
Related documents
/1/ TC3x Hardware Interface Description V03.10
/2/ TC3x AT-Command-Set V03.10
/3/ Release Notes: TC3x, Version V03.10
/4/ Application Note: Updating TC3x Firmware V03.10
/5/ T35 Terminal Hardware Interface Description V03.10
/6/ TC35 MC35 Terminal User's Guide V03.10
Prior to using TC35 / TC35T or upgrading to a new firmware release, be sure to carefully read and
understand the latest product information provided in the Release Notes.
To visit the Siemens Website you can use the following link:
1.2 References
[1] Digital Cellular Telecommunications Systems (Phase 2+); Terminal Equipment to Mobile Station
(TE-MS) "Multiplexer Protocol"; ETSI TS 101 369 V7.1.0 (1999-11), GSM 07.10 Version 7.1.0,
Release 1998
[2] AT Command Set – Siemens Cellular Engines; Version 03.10