PowerSys Online Connection
shows one of the following cases:
An example after the data are downloaded from an SWT 3000 unit or SWT 3000 file
An example after the data are on a new configured SWT 3000 unit
If an SWT 3000 unit processes the data, a similar dialog is displayed with the designation SWT 3000.
The subordinated submenus (levels) are displayed when selecting +.
[scpowcon-150911-01.tif, 1, en_US]
Figure 5-27
Example of a Loaded SWT 3000 Device Configuration
Selecting +, the subordinated menus or submenus are displayed
[scokcaap-190711-01.tif, 1, en_US]
Figure 5-28
OK, Cancel, and Apply Buttons
The buttons Ok, Cancel, and Apply apply to all menus.
Take over the adjustments and close the menu.
Close the menu without taking over the adjustments.
Take over the adjustments without closing the menu.
PowerSys and Auxiliary Software Tools
5.3 PowerSys Online Connection
Smart Communication, SWT 3000 Teleprotection, Equipment Manual
C53000-G6040-C605-1, Edition 03.2020