Siemens Static Trip III Instruction Manual Download Page 33

Summary of Contents for Static Trip III

Page 1: ...v SIEMENS Static lTip Ill lnformation and lnstruction Guide Builetin SG 31 18 01 ...

Page 2: ...ied personnel For the purpose of this manual a qualified person is one who is familiar with the installation construction or operation of the equipment and the hazards involved ln addition he has the following qualifications a is trained and authorized to de energize clear ground and tag circuits and equipment in accordance with established safety practices b is trained in the proper care and use ...

Page 3: ...W Dernand Period and Number of Pertods Comm Trip Comm Close Comm Open Default Values Source for Configuration Parameters Static Trip lllC Rear Connectors Ten Position Rear Connector Four Position Rear Connector Programmable Settings Integrity Protection Testing General Secondary Current Testing Test Connections Long Time Pickup Test Short Time Pickup Test lnstantaneous Trip Test Ground Pickup Test...

Page 4: ...nt protection and eliminates nuisance tripping due to harmonic distortion of the current waveform There are four basic models of the trip units All models are interchangeable on any frame rating of Siemens Type RL low voltage power circuit breakers diu ti rtip lll models provide basic overcurrent protection Si il irip lllC versions provide the added capabilities of communications and current meter...

Page 5: ...the operation of the second microproces sor When the control powei is present and the microprocessor is passing the built in test routine the LED blinks with a half second pulse every three seocnds A burst of pulses also occurs whenever the trip unit is communicating to a master device via the RS 485 port at the back of the unit The same current sensors used in the overcurrent protec tion function...

Page 6: ...e nominal numberof recorded events isten fvents include pickup active and inactive circuit breaker positLon change alarm setpoint activation and release and alarm relay activation The most recent events are retained O Onty tne most recent trip event is avallable to the BDU without time starnp information o ihlnLrl fog information isaduplicateof the EventLog messageassoclated ltn t iuy acivatlon th...

Page 7: ...s metering ing and communications functions The protection micropro and extended protection functions cessor and its associated memorycircuits are totally dedicated Basic Overcurrent Protection N 4icroprocessor Current Sensors Static Trip lll nip Unil Static Trip lll Tripping System Functional Block Diagram Basic Overcurrent Protection Microprocessor Communications lvleter ng Microprocessor Extern...

Page 8: ...g functions is very similar The current signals from the sensors are converted to digital u s ov i resistor network and analog to digital conver i fn bti in the trip li irt disital voltases are stored in temporary memory and are used by the microprocessors in detecting and procesling o etc ient conditions and in metering The orotectron microprocessor reads the temporarily stored i 5i il t u i p t ...

Page 9: ...trols the display and communicates with the trip unit using the local BDU communication port Power to operate the LED display and microprocessor circuitry is derived from the trip unit through this same port lsolated lnput Output lnput for a 52b breaker position switch and outputs for Alarm output 1 and Close Breaker output 2 are optically isolated to protectthetrip unit s internal protection circ...

Page 10: ...rsion trip unit does not include a sl de IracXet Also retrof it of standard trip un it to other manufacturer s breakers may use different locations lnsert the BDU and or zone trip unit interlock cables at Use the reverse procedure to remove the trip unit from the circuit breaker 3 Secure the trip unit with a single 1 6 32 mountlng screw 8 r flion the termina block fanning strip wlth the termrnal b...

Page 11: ...stments The trip unit executes its overcurrent protection functions based on the current sensor rating and the settings of the current protection adjustments Therefore care should be taken by the user to make proper sensor selection and adjust ment settings CAUTION An adjustment will momentarily revert to its minimum possible setting whenever a change to the adiustment is being made This may cause...

Page 12: ... st o t Ime plckup ls set to a muLtiple of the long time setting 4 Short Time Delay Region The short time delay s set to a f lxed delay wlth or wlthout an inverse lzt ramp delay referenced to 6 times the Long tlme setting 5 lnstantaneous PickuP Region Tne nS a laneo S Q Cn P 6 o u rrU tiole o he CU renl Se So aI ng 6 Ground Fault Pickup Begion The ground fauLt pickup tli to u percent of the ground...

Page 13: ...ctual pickup value will be between the switch setting and a value 207 grealer than the switch settings This ensures that the circuit breaker will operate continuously at a current corresponding to the switch setting On a Siemens Type RL circuit breaker the current sensor rat ing is given on the circuil breaker rating label located directly above the trip unit A similar sensor rating label should b...

Page 14: raurt protection is a rhermar Memorv f unction The purpose oiit If rt al Memory function is to l i d Flit tt nilntermittent overcrrrent condition rhe unction mav be t i i JLv placlig ll rmal Memorv ilt ih ittnrot the trip unit to the ln position With the function actlvated the long time delay counter does not immediately reset t i n nih currentfalls below the i n iil ilrirp uur lJntt o lt count...

Page 15: ... time for the tripping sequence The short time pickup may be set to 2 3 4 clearing of the tripping action including circuit breaker open 5 6 7 8 or 12 times the long time setting Changing the long ing and arc quenching time The lower value of the short time timesettingchangestheshorttimepickupcurrentlevel delaybandmaybesetto 0S 15 22 30 or 40seconds The short time pickup is also implemented to acc...

Page 16: ...0 o E o o c a 6 E Example Short Time Delay Bands with l t ramp delay lnstantaneous Fault Protection lnstantan00us Fickup s 4 2 x Sensor lnstantaneous PickuP il l ous pltt up sets the level of hish current at r li f l li ttlp unit will irip the circuit breaker without an i tl J tinie Jerav Non delayed tripping in response to a i u r overcurrent condition mlnimizes potential damage to i ttLri tv tem...

Page 17: ...or Rating This gives simple referencing re gardless of the type of ground fault scheme used Further more it allows trip units to be lnterchanged between circuit breaker frames of all ratings and between different ground fault schemes The ground sensor rating appears on the circuit breaker rating label above the trip unit for residual ground fault sensing schemes or on the right side of the circuit...

Page 18: ... pickup point The line would Pass through the reference Point 6x 10 sec Lono Time Long Time Reference Dela r Band PickuP Point l oinl 5o t j onot 1x 1O8O sec 6x 30 sec i 4 tx otz sec 6x 17 sec ro seconOs tx gOo sec 6x 10 sec o r 0 tx zto secl 6x 6 sec 5 s s conot tx tzo sec 6x 3 5 sec 4 Drawavertical linefrom thetop of the graphtothe longtime pi frp oint This line defines the minimum long time pic...

Page 19: ttttttttt STEP 10a Draw maximum long time p ckup lrne Long Tlme Delay I STEP 10b Draw upper limi ot long time delay band ower lrmil ay band of iong time de STEP 2 Selecl Qhnrt 6 r pickup p tnt I leference polnt 7 2x 10 sec for upper mit of long time delay band calculated te raw minin pickup iinr l rand tum td Short Time Picku p Reference polnt 6x 10 sec for lower limit of long time delay band g...

Page 20: ...the vector sum of the phaJe currents no longer equals the neutral current frris c lrieni ditferentiat is detected by the i t it J uied in the execution of the ground fault pro i E i i l i Jn 6rr ni n i wit t separate 2000A NEC st usable toi t n s ilnsins scheme iust as for 3 pHr 5 wiie residual giorno sens ing see current sersor Wiring Diagrams Direct Ground ln this scheme the phase c urrents are ...

Page 21: ...ground fault or neutral current measurement application different model trip units can be substituted without affecting basic phase overcurrent protection Refer to the equipment and circuit breaker wiring diagrams for each specific order for additional information 12345678 Figure 1 3W or 3WR 12345678 Figure 2 4WR GE sor soz Ground or Zero Sequence Sensor l 4td in Equ pmeni 12345678 Figure 3 4WD Le...

Page 22: ...r a high level of fault protection to the bus structure between the zones If for some reason the fault current is not cleared by the i iooino of the lowest level circuit breaker experiencing the iulii ili r igl er ievet circuit breakers trip units continue their pr b At ed tripping functions at their set time delavs Static Trip lll trip units may be connected together to form a Ion int jifo k netw...

Page 23: ... C A Line to Line Voltage BDU Display VXX XXX Description Measured Line Frequency taken from Phase A Voltage Range 45 0 to 70 O Nz Accuracy 25 of reading provided Va is above 90V BDU Display Hz XX X Signed Sum of the Measured Real Power of all 3 Phases in Kilowatts Range x7 200 Normally Limited by Breaker Size Accuracy 2 of Reading provided power factor is greater than 50 and current and voltage s...

Page 24: ...petitive pickups and trip signals from being generated on an open breaker Repeti tive pickups would result in multiple writes to the event logs and trip logs repetitive trip signals would result in multiple drive signals being sent to the actuator For example The undervoltage relay on an open feeder breaker is enabled with a pickup of 440 volts and a delay of 1 second An upstream circuit breaker i...

Page 25: ...delay time setting The pickup must remain active for the entire delay time for a trip to occur lf the over voltage condiiion subsides in less time than the delay time the pickup will go inactive and the over voltage protective relaying function will be reset When tripping occurs the actual condition that caused the trip is recorded in the trip unit s nonvolatile trip log Programmable settrngs Trip...

Page 26: ...the trip log it should o nly be relied on when a master is used to contiiuously monitor the network Alarm Functions h t loJs oitterent alarm functions available with atrip t iJpl iing pon the model type The basic communicat g iilpGiil sLiii rtip ittc ptoui o s 2 or 3 alarm f unctions depending on presence of the ground fault protective func tio l Le YP o ption pr o iO t 1l additional alarm functio...

Page 27: ...mmed threshold value for at least 1 second When negative values are programmed for the alarm threshold the measured value will be considered to exceed the threshold only if the measured value is negative and its absolute value exceeds the absolute value of the threshold setting For example a measured value of 800 exceeds a programmed value of 700 Under Range Alarms For these types of alarms if any...

Page 28: ... Programming ocat monitoring and progiammlng can Qe done with a por table PC or with a Breaker Display Unit BDU The communt tution pott on the back of the tiip unit provldes access for G poriaOfe PC The lsolated Multi DroprM converter by 6i run may be used to provide an RS 485 to RS 232 inter face for the PC The BDU is a simple and convenient device for reading the melereO data and trip unit log T...

Page 29: ... the displayed sign of the kW and kVAR readings lt also affects the accumulated values for kWH kWHR kVARH and kWD and the operation of any associated alarm and relay functions Volts Scale The Volts Scale is normally set to the nominal line line voltage 2O8 240 380 480 or 600 of the system The value is used only by the voltage unbalance alarm and relay functions lt does not affect the displayed vol...

Page 30: ...sition connector and a 4 position connector The pin outs and functions of these two connectors are given in the following tables Ten Position Rear Connector Programmable Settings lntegrity Protection The Static Trip lllC NPX trip unit insures data integrity of its internal settings by performing a 16 bit Cyclic Redundancy Check CRC of its data The CRC is made periodically and everytime the trip un...

Page 31: ... trip device similar to the one on the circuit breaker so that the spade terminals are properly isolated The output of the test set is internally con nected to the terminal block Static Trip lll devices have two LEDs Light Emitting Diodes mounted on the front panel One of these indicates Long Time Pickup and the other indicates Short Time or Ground Pickup Unlike the earlier model of trip devices n...

Page 32: ...d settings are shown in Table 4 with their associated test limits Table 4 Ground Fault Secondary PickuP Currents Short Time Pickup 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 Secondary Amperes Nl rn 50 75 1 00 lc 1 50 175 2 AO 300 Max hU 90 1 20 1 50 1 80 2 14 2 40 3 60 Due to the low values of current the trip device may not trip the circuit breaker when tested with secondary current into the ground circuit only lt may be ...

Page 33: ...witch 1n The operation of the Short Time l2t ramp can be checked by supplying 1 5 amperes to the device Repeat the test to measure the time delay Move the Short Time l2t ramp switch to the ln position and repeat the test at the same current The delay should be long with the switch 1n Ground Time Delay Test The Ground time delay can be tested similar to the Short Time delay test When the tripping o...

Page 34: ...rreier L used is mount ed external to the circuit breaker and i ir o to the trip device through the b k t noatv ols onn it on the side of the breaker To check this circuit the bieaklr must be in the TEST position Then the ohmmeter f t n be made between terminal 4 and terminal 5 of the iilp O i terminal block The circuit breaker wiring dragra th lJte checked for any special connections that mali fl...

Page 35: ...nt sensors and ground neutral sensors are checked for polarity at the factory and terminals are marked with a polarity dot Therefore a simple check for proper connection according to the breaker wiring diagram is all that should normally be required to verify that the trip unit is receiving the correct ground fault signal lf there is doubt that a given sensor is properly marked its polarity can be...

Page 36: ...ME Repeat calibration check on the other long time current settings as desired 3 Set long time current setting on 5 long time delay on 3 5 short time pickup and jnstantaneous on 12 Set the inpul current equal to the current sensor rating Remove and reapply the power allow the device to time out and trip the breaker The time delay should meet the published curves for the device being tested Repeat ...

Page 37: pro vide isolated voltage inputs to the trip device These PT modules are designed to withstand brief high potential testing at up to 2200Y ac without damage to the trip unit or the PT module itself While inadvertent high potential or megger testing should not cause damage it will give erroneous readings Therefore the PT module should be taken out of the circuit being tested lust as is normally ...

Page 38: ...rt at the beginning of their respective routines regardless of where the window was in the exited mode The words DATA or PROGRAM will appear on the display indicating the operating modes Read Enter Toggle by pressing the Read and Enter keys at the same time Data Mode The data mode is the default mode of the BDU When power is first applied the BDU will be in the data mode lf the BDU is in the progr...

Page 39: displayed the display will inoicare eading or lagging Reading the Maximum and Minlmum values Reading the Alarm ALRM Log From the ALRM LOG window the most recent alarm log event can be read by pressing Read to display the cause of the alarm followed by Read or Down to display the associated measured param eters The display will return to the ALRM LOG window when the Read or Down key is pressed a...

Page 40: ...e No Log will be displayed if there is no tripping information available from the trip unit Read Read Read or Down Reading the Trip Log Note indicates X option tripping functions lf the BDU is connected to the trip unit when the circuit breaker is tripped the event is immediately displayed The TRIP LOG flasheson and off severaltimesat 1 second intervals The BDU then automatically starts displaying...

Page 41: ...ent password as noted in the section above but this time press and hold the Enter key after the left most digit has been keyed in The message Correct will be displayed followed within a few seconds by the messages Change and then New XXXO Now release the Enter key and enter the new password exactly as was done for the current password note that releasing the Enter key before the New XXXO message a...

Page 42: ...parameters listed LEN for the Iength of each period and NUM for the number of periods to complete the demand interval Read or Down Read or Down Viewing the kWDemand interval settings ALRM SET and TRIP SET have several optional conf igura tion parameters and set points To view an alarm parameter or set point scroll to the ALRM SET window Press Read to displaythe alarm f unctions and scrollwith the ...

Page 43: ... trip functions Note that N A will be displayed if a given option is not installed in the trip unit and no set points can be programmed Each window in this configuration sequence can now be changed using the Up or Down keys to scroll through digits or toggle through relay or trip options Numbers are entered as is done for the password starting with the right most digit After the left most digit is...

Page 44: ...ting conditions if required To vary the brightness select the DIMMER window in the main program sequence and press Read to display the preset setting shown as Bright 2 lf the password has been entered the Up and Down keys can be used to select brightness from 0 brightest to 6 dimmest The LED brightness will immediately change as different numbers are selected When the desired bright ness is found ...

Page 45: ...Cause of Errol No ACK Hardware problem with the communications line between the BDU and the trip unit No Ack 2 No response or incorrect response from the trip unrt due to software or electrlcal interference on the communicatlon I ne between the BDU and trip unit No Ack 3 Execut on of command from the BDU not properly confirmed by the trip unit Config Er Configuration error between BDU and trip uni...

Page 46: ...onnection to down stream trip units Each expander also includes a set of paralle output terminals for connecting the zone interiock signa to an expander farther upstream No external power supply is req u ired Zone Inter ock Expanders Zone lnterlock Coupler The zone interlock coupler is used to connect a single trip unit jnto a zone interlock system and includes a cable for direct connection to the...

Page 47: ...c tripping actuator as well as the trlp unit The portable test set using power from an ordinary 120 volt convenience outlet can provide clrcuit breaker testing equivalentto much more expensrve and cumbersome primary current testing The instructions for testing the Static Trip lll with the PTS4 were presented in the Testing sectron For additional information see Portabie Test Set Type PTS4 lnstruct...

Page 48: ...ignal into alarm or control schemes The interposing relay provides a 1A 12OY acl125Y dc normally open solid state contact and can be mounted in the circuit breaker compartment Interposing Relay mourited in Type RL circuit breaker compartment Potential Transformers Two potential transformer models are available for use with power metering version Static Trip lll devices The catalog number PTN A is ...

Page 49: ...RL 800 to 2000 Upgrade Kit RL 3200 to 4000 Upgrade Kit includes prewired circuit breaker cover BDU and cab e Portable Test Set PTS4 Training Video Tape for PTS4 Static Trip lll Retrofit Kits Tapped Current Sensor Part Taps at 25 50 and75 ol Numbers 61 300 065 Sensor Current Rating 1 8 809 575 504 18 658 143 544 1 8 658 1 43 545 1 8 658 1 43 546 1 8 658 574 882 1 8 658 1 43 549 1 8 658 1 43 550 I8 ...

Page 50: load indicator accessory is required Cat No Prelix Overcurrenl Tripping Functions No Communication Communications No Suffix c cN cP CNP cPx CNPX BN S TI T 504 510 5 th 522 528 546 552 RI IS TS TZ 505 511 517 3tJ 529 547 Eq2 RI IS TSI TZ 506 512 518 524 530 548 554 RIVS r GIZ 507 513 519 525 tre J 549 RIVS TSG TZ 508 514 520 532 550 556 RIVS TSIG TZ qno 515 czt 527 5JJ 55 I 557 Neutral Metering ...

Page 51: ... Catalog Number Definitions Basic Product Designations T Long Time with switchable thermal memory S Short Time I lnstantaneous G Ground Fault LCD TargetsA Vatchdog Zone lnterlocking Capability Automatically supplied with Short Time and or Ground Fault Communications Capability Options Available With Communications N Neutral Current Metering P Power Metering X Protective Relaying Retrofit Package f...

Page 52: ... 402 397 1540 Nevada Las Vegas 702 739 7900 New Hampshire lvlanchester 603 626 0701 New Jersey Union s B 687 7672 New Mexico Albuquerque 505 BBl 161 1 New York Albany 51 B 482 0790 Buffalo 716 834 3815 Long lsland 516 759 2325 New York metro 212 736 2640 Syracuse 315 4s3 3780 North Carolina Charlotte 704 s36 1201 Greensboro 919 852 17s8 Raleigh 919 782 3s65 North Dakota Bismarck 701 258 9555 Fargo...
