© Sieme
2003, M:\Mobil\R65\SL65
Mobile Phone Manager
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date: 040317
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of SL65 Iris FUG us, A31008-H7700-A40-1-4A19 (24.05.2004, 17:15)
Backup and restore
Backup lets you regularly save a copy
of all your phone data to any PC. You
can then restore all your data quickly
and easily from your PC should you
lose your phone data or phone, or
buy a new phone.
Bookmarks management
Browse the Internet with your PC
and select your preferred Internet
pages. Save the locations as book-
marks on your mobile for quick ac-
Phone explorer
You can read your phone’s file sys-
tem with the phone explorer. Files
such as pictures and sounds etc. can
be easily copied between phone and
PC using the drag&drop function.
Files can also be deleted, created
and moved.
GPRS modem
Just one key stroke on your PC or
laptop opens a GPRS internet con-
nection with your mobile phone,
wherever you are. GPRS configura-
tions are available for almost all pro-
viders, so you don't have to worry
about parameters or settings any
Image and photo processing
The image/photo processing func-
tion allows the user to create, pro-
cess and manage images and photos
easily. Filters and effects are avail-
able to create colourful and attrac-
tive graphics or improve your pho-
tos. The intuitive user interface
allows you to transfer images/photos
from and to your mobile easily. Fur-
ther you can define wallpapers and
other graphic configuration.