Setting the Buffering Time
The buffering time is set using six DIP switches (for position, see Figure 2) from 5s to 635s in 10s steps according
to Table 6.
DIP Switch 1 (set time/max.) can be used to select whether the buffering mode is ended after the set time or not
until the exhaustive discharge threshold of the battery (= maximum buffering time) is reached. (Delivery state: Off
pos. = maximum buffering time.) For devices with communication interfaces, the buffering time can be started
using the remote signal (for the description, see the "Interface" chapter) to deactivate the UPS after the set
buffering time. In this case, Switch 1 (set time/max.) must be at the Off position and Switch 8 ("Disconnection")
must be at the On position. When deactivation has taken place, the buffer mode cannot be reactivated by
changing the switch position. It cannot be reactivated until the input voltage returns.
Switch position: On = 1; Off = 0
Switch 1 at Pos. On: Setting for deactivation after the desired buffering time
Switch 1 at Pos. Off: Deactivation takes place after the exhaustive discharge threshold of the battery is reached. For devices with
interfaces, the voltage can be disconnected in remote mode after the set buffering time (DIP Switch 8, Disconnection – On).
Table 5: Selecting the buffering time
Table 6: Setting the buffering time
2.5 Disconnection of the Output Voltage
DIP Switch 8 can be used to select whether or not the output voltage is disconnected for approximately 5
seconds after the set buffering time is up even in case the input voltage returns in the meantime (delivery state:
no disconnection). In the case of the "Maximum Buffering Time" setting, the output voltage is disconnected using
the remote signal of the interface (only in case of devices with interfaces).
Switch position: On = 1; Off = 0
Switch 8 at Pos. On: Disconnection of output voltage for approx. 5s
Switch 8 at Pos. Off: None disconnection of the output voltage
Table 7: Disconnection of output voltage
© Siemens AG, 2009