SIPROTEC 7SJ81/7SK81 V4.70, Product Information
E50417-K1150-C462-A2, Edition 02.2012
Operating Pre-conditions
For most of the operational functions, the input of passwords is necessary.
This applies for all entries which concern the operation of the device, for
example configuration, setting of functional parameters, or initiation of test
procedures. If the device provides control functions which allow operation
of the switch gear, passwords are equally required before any switching
commands be carried out.
Password input is not required for
of annunciations, operating
data or fault data, or for
of setting parameters.
The following ranges of access authorization are defined:
non-interlocked switching,
tests and diagnosis,
individual parameters,
hardware tests,
parameter groups.
Depending on the scope of functions of the device, one or the other
access authorization may be omitted.
Input of the password is requested, if applicable, during operation with
DIGSI or from the front of the device.
You should change the passwords at last after completion of commission-
ing in order to prevent the device from unintentional alterations or from
unauthorized operation. Passwords can be changed only by means of the
program DIGSI.
All passwords are preset with the 6-figure code