9.3 Digital inputs/outputs
Operating Instructions, 11/2015, A5E35066204A/RS-AA/002
Digital inputs/outputs
A PM4000 DI/DO must be available for the processing of digital inputs/outputs.
No links of any kind to the functionality of the heating control are available.
Digital outputs
The PM4000 DI/DO provides 8 digital outputs that the user can control directly. What is
more, 8 further digital outputs are available if no digital inputs are used (configurable).
The status of the digital outputs in the event of a communication error is configurable.
Digital inputs
The PM4000 DI/DO provides as many as 8 digital inputs with which the user can read
signals directly from the process. The inputs are only available if they are not used as
Behavior of the digital outputs
Parameterizable response
The response of the digital outputs to an interruption in communication with the higher-level
controller can be defined. For each digital output, the following can be parameterized:
● Output is "deactivated" (default)
● Output continues to operate with the most recent valid value
● Output is "activated"
Non-parameterizable, permanently defined response
The following events always result in deactivation of the outputs:
● Failure o
f the 24 V supply voltage on the CIM
Behavior during start up
The digital outputs remain "deactivated" until a connection to the higher-level controller has
been established and user data has been transferred.