Only those variables that are currently displayed in the "NC/PLC variables" screen in the
"Diagnostics" operating area are shown. To update the list in the "NC/PLC variables" widget
following a change in the "NC/PLC variables" screen in the "Diagnostics" operating area,
collapse and expand the widget again.
Vertical scrolling is possible.
"Axle load" widget
The widget shows the load on all axles in a bar chart.
Up to 6 axes are displayed. Vertical scrolling is possible if multiple axes are present.
"Tool" widget
The widget contains the geometry and wear data for the active tool.
The following information is additionally displayed depending on the machine configuration:
● EC: Active location-dependent offset - setting up offset
● SC: Active location-dependent offset - additive offset
● TOFF: Programmed tool length offset in WCS coordinates, and programmed tool radius
● Override: Value of the overridden movements that were made in the individual tool directions
Multitouch operation with SINUMERIK Operate
3.5 Expansion with side screen
Operating Manual, 06/2019, A5E44903486B AB