Display of the machining times
Light green background Measured machining time of the program block (automatic mode)
Green background
Measured machining time of the program group (automatic mode)
Light blue background
Estimated machining time of the program block (simulation)
Blue background
Estimated machining time of the program block (simulation)
Yellow background
Wait time (automatic mode or simulation)
Highlighting of selected G code commands or keywords
In the program editor settings, you can specify whether selected G code commands are to be
highlighted in color. The following colors are used as standard:
Blue font
D, S, F, T, M and H functions
Red font
"G0" motion command
Green font
"G1" motion command
Blue-green font
"G2" or "G3" motion command
Gray font
Machine manufacturer
You can define further highlight colors in the "sleditorwidget.ini" configuration file.
Please refer to the machine manufacturer's specifications.
Synchronization of programs on multi-channel machines
Special commands (e.g. GET and RELEASE) are used on multi-channel machines to
synchronize the programs. These commands are marked with a clock symbol.
Creating a ShopTurn program
9.2 Program views
Operating Manual, 06/2019, A5E44903486B AB