Networks with NCU connection to the company network
Configuration 3: NCU and TCU
The TCU is connected to the NCU (directly) using a crossed Ethernet cable. On X130, the
NCU is connected to a switch to the company network with a straight cable.
As in configuration 1, there is a direct Ethernet connection between a TCU and X120 of the
NCU. NCU and TCU are suitably preconfigured with IP addresses. The IP addresses used
here are not significant for further operation.
IP configuration: DHCP server on the company network
On X130, the NCU is set to the address reference via DHCP. If the company network has a
DHCP server that provides the NCU with an IP address (IP configuration), the NCU is
integrated into the company network.
Depending on the infrastructure available or the level of network administration of the company
network, the following network parameters must be set for the NCU on X130:
● Computer name on the company network
● Address of a DNS server
● Address of a gateway (default router)
The IP address of the NCU to this connection is also assigned via network administration.
General information and networking
1.4 Networking
Operator panel front: OP 010
Manual, 07/2018, A5E36371538B