K1: Mode group, channel, program operation, reset response
9.8 Block search Type 5 SERUPRO
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
Repositioning with controlled REPOS
At any point during processing, a part program can be interrupted and an ASUB started with a REPOS.
For path axes, the REPOS mode can be controlled by the PLC via VDI signals to reposition on the contour. This
mode is programmed in the part program and defines the approach behavior. See "Repositioning to contour with
controlled REPOS".
The REPOS behavior of individual axes can also be controlled via VDI signals
and is enabled with machine data:
Path axes cannot be influenced individually. For all other axes that are not geometry axes, repositioning of
individual axes can be prevent temporarily and also delayed. VDI signals can be used to subsequently reenable
or to continue blocking individual channel axes that REPOS would like to traverse.
Example: Axis is programmed incrementally
Axis A is positioned at 11° before the REPOS operation; the programmed operation in the interruption block
(target block for SERUPRO) specifies 27°.
Any number of blocks later, this axis is programmed to move incrementally through 5° with:
N1010 POS[A]=IC(5) FA[A]=1000.
With interface signal:
DB31, ... DBX10.0 (REPOSDELAY)
the axis does not traverse in the REPOS operation and is moved to 32° with
(The user may have to deliberately acknowledge the travel from 11° to 27°.)
The axis is programmed incrementally after the interruption.
In the example, the NC moves to 16° (instead of 32°).
Bit 6 = 1
After SERUPRO, neutral axes and positioning spindles in the approach block
are repositioned as command axis.
Bit 7 = 1
The level of interface signal:
DB31, ... DBX10.0 (REPOSDELAY)
is read if REPOSA is interpreted.
Axes, which are neither geometry nor orientation axes, are then excluded by
REPOS and are not moved.
DB31, ... DBX2.2 (Delete distance-to-go, axis-specific)
produces the following dangerous behavior with ”Prevent repositioning of individual axes"
MD11470 $MN_REPOS_MODE_MASK (Bit 2==1).
As long as an axis is programmed incrementally after the interruption, the NC approaches
different positions than those approached with no interruption (see example below).