CO: Supplementary setpoint effective / Suppl setpoint eff
Access level: 3
Calculated: -
Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: -
Scaling: p2000
Dynamic index: -
Unit group: 3_1
Unit selection: p0505
Function diagram: 3030
- [rpm]
- [rpm]
Factory setting:
- [rpm]
Displays the effective supplementary setpoint. The value shown is the additional setpoint after scaling.
CO: Total setpoint effective / Total setpoint eff
Access level: 3
Calculated: -
Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: -
Scaling: p2000
Dynamic index: -
Unit group: 3_1
Unit selection: p0505
Function diagram: 3030
- [rpm]
- [rpm]
Factory setting:
- [rpm]
Displays the total effective setpoint.
The value indicates the sum of the effective main setpoint and supplementary setpoint.
If the fixed speed setpoint is the source for the speed setpoint, then when the extended service mode is activated
(r3889.0 = 1) fixed speed setpoint 15 is displayed.
Interpolator clock cycle for speed setpoints / Interp_cyc n_set
Access level: 3
Calculated: CALC_MOD_ALL Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: T, U
Scaling: -
Dynamic index: -
Unit group: -
Unit selection: -
Function diagram: -
0.00 [ms]
127.00 [ms]
Factory setting:
0.00 [ms]
Sets the time with which new speed setpoints are interpolated.
With interpolation, the higher-level control adapts the speed setpoint steps to the time grid of the setpoint channel.
For non-synchronous operation, a setting to the maximum time difference between two setpoints is recommended.
For sensorless vector control, interpolation should always be activated if the ramp-up and ramp-down times of the
ramp-function generator are very short. The drive must be able to follow the external speed setpoint (the drive does
not ramp up at the torque limit).
For acceleration precontrol of the speed controller, interpolation prevents torque peaks from occurring if the ramp-up
or ramp-down times in the setpoint channel are zero.
When exiting commissioning, the parameter is preset using the automatic calculation if, as setpoint source for the main
or supplementary setpoint, a PZD receive word is already set and the ramp-up time is zero.
Interpolation is limited to 127 cycles of the setpoint channel.
p1079 = 0 ms: interpolation is deactivated.
p1079 = 0.01 ms: the interpolation is automatically determined the first time that the speed setpoint is changed. After
this, no other changes are made if the send times of the external control increase. Writing to p1079 again initiates the
automatic adaptation of the interpolation time.
p1079 > 0.01 ms: interpolation is performed corresponding to the ratio to the computation clock cycle.
Minimum speed / n_min
Access level: 1
Calculated: -
Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: C2(1), T
Scaling: -
Dynamic index: DDS, p0180
Unit group: 3_1
Unit selection: p0505
Function diagram: 3050, 8022
0.000 [rpm]
19500.000 [rpm]
Factory setting:
0.000 [rpm]
7.2 Parameter list
SINAMICS G120X converter
Operating Instructions, 06/2019, FW V1.01, A5E44751209B AC