Siemens SIMOTICS SD 1LE8 Series Installation And Maintenance Manual Download Page 18


The service life of the motor can be considerably reduced if the storage period extends beyond 2
years in environments with  high moisture and dirt. If necessary, the insulation resistance of the
winding  could be measured determine the health of the motor  prior to installation and start-up, (see
Section 3.5. for reference values).

Machined surfaces (flange, DE rotor shaft) are treated at the factory with  an anti corrosive agent to
prevent rusting. However  these surfaces should be retreated during storage as deemed necessary. It
is recommended  that the motor shaft is rotated by hand on a frequent basis to ensure even
grease distribution.


All work must be carried out by a skilled worker.Before starting any work,
be sure to isolate the machine from  the main and auxiliary power supply as
applicable.Mains must be secured against accidental switch on.

3.1 Installation

A fine foundation and exact installation is regarded as a basic requirement for coming long-time

reliable working. Inappropriate foundation or installation may cause abnormal motor vibration and


3.1.1  Foundation requirement

The foundation of installation can be a metal base or a platform of concrete structure,   whatever

structure the foundation has, the foundation must have enough strength and rigidity in order to

support motors.

The design of foundation can refer to DIN 4024.

The supporting surface of the foundation must be flat, flatness of the supporting surfaces for

conventional motors


Frame size(FS)













Summary of Contents for SIMOTICS SD 1LE8 Series

Page 1: ...6 027 6 6 8 گ უ ୁᅴօ ۯۉ ऐ QVZHUV IRU LQGXVWU 2019 03 ᆹ㻵о㔤ᣔ Installation and Maintenance Manual ...

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Page 3: ...㕈 䱫 7 3 6 ᓖỰ 8 3 7 ਈ仁ಘᓄ 8 4 0 ঢ۵ 9 4 1 䖤 ሯભ 9 4 2 㜲 ර 9 4 3 㜲ሯભ ઘᵏ 9 4 4 10 4 5 䖤 ᴤᦒ 10 4 6 ᧂ ᆄ 11 5 0 ծԇ 11 English version 13 1 0 फ़я 1 1 ᓄ 㤳ത 1 2 ߧতᯩᔿ 1 3 ᆹ㻵㔃ᶴᖒᔿ 2 0 ܿ Ղ Ҥ 3 0 ઁੰ 3 1 ᆹ㻵 3 2 ᧕㓯ⴂ 3 3 ࣘᒣ㺑о㚄㔃 3 4 䘎᧕ 3 5 Ựḕ㔍㕈 䱫 3 6 ᓖỰ 3 7 ਈ仁ಘᓄ 4 0 ঢ۵ 4 1 䖤 ሯભ 4 2 㜲 ර 4 3 㜲ሯભ ઘᵏ 4 4 4 5 䖤 ᴤᦒ 4 6 ᧂ ᆄ 5 0 ծԇ English version ...

Page 4: ...B18613 2012ljѝሿරй ᔲ ࣘᵪ㜭 䲀ᇊ 㜭 ㅹ㓗NJḷ ˈާփ㿴ṬⲴ 㜭㙇ᤷḷ 㿱䬝 DŽ 1 2 ӑԯ ړݱ 㠚ߧতᯩᔿ ḷ 䝽㖞 ߧতᯩᔿ IC411ˈㅖѪਸ IEC EN 60034 6 ḷ 㾱 DŽ SIMOTICS SD 1LE8 ᵪѪ ޘ ሱ䰝㠚ߧত ৼੁ仾ᡷ රᔿ ᵪˈ ᰦ ᵪާᴹ䏣ཏⲴߧত仾 䟿DŽྲ ਟ䘹ཆ䜘仾ᡷˈᗵ享 ᆹ㻵仾ᡷᰦ ਸ䘲Ⲵߧত仾ੁDŽ ᕪ ߧ ࡦ তᯩᔿ 䘹Ԧ ߧতᯩᔿѪ IC416ˈ 䏣 IEC EN 60034 ḷ 㾱 DŽ ᵪߧতᱟ䙊䗷ањ Ⲵ仾ᡷ ᕪࡦ䙊仾 㘼ᇎ ⲴDŽ䘉 ᕪ ߧ ࡦ তнਇᵪಘ䘀㹼 ᘱⲴᖡ DŽ ʽ 1 仾ᡷ 䙊 ˈфоઘത ຳ ᯩੁа㠤 2 仾ᡷ享 ањ Ⓚ ඇ ˈ ᒦф 仾ᡷⲴ䖜ੁоަ仾ᡷ㖙к䱴ᑖⲴ䖜ੁ ḷᘇᤷ Ⲵᯩੁа㠤 3 仾ᡷн㜭䙊䗷ਈ仁ಘ傡ࣘ 4 ᵪ ˈ ݸ ࡽ ࣘ ࣘ 仾ᡷˈ ਾ ࣘ ᵪ ᵪ ڌ ᵪᰦˈ ޣ ݸ 䰝 ᵪ ...

Page 5: ...㖞䘋㹼 㻵ᩜ䘀DŽ ᩜ䘀 ᵪѻࡽˈ 䈧 ᆹ㻵 ф പˈն य ᵪ䖤 仾ᡷ㖙ᶕᩜ䘀 ᵪDŽਖཆˈ ᵪॷ䱽ᰦᗵ享 䚯 ݽ 䴷ࣘˈԕ䱢䙐ᡀ䖤 ਇᦏDŽ ᔪ䇞ᡰᴹⲴ ᵪᓄ䈕ۘᆈ ᒢ ᰐቈⲴ ຳѻлˈᒦ䚯 ݽ 䗷ཊⲴ䴷ࣘDŽ 㤕 ᵪࠪলਾᆈۘ 2 ᒤᡆ䎵䗷 2 ᒤˈᔪ䇞ᴤᦒ 㜲DŽ ྲ ᵪ ቈ ᓖ䖳བྷ ຳлᆈۘᰦ䰤䎵䗷 2 ᒤˈ ᵪⲴ ሯભሶՊ䱽վDŽሩҾ䘉 ᛵߥˈ ᗵ㾱ᰦ ᵪᆹ㻵 ࡽ ࣘ ˈሩަ㔍㕈 㔏䘋㹼Ự ˈӾ㘼 䇱ަਟԕ ᑨっᇊⲴ䘀㹼 ޣ 㘳 ˈ㿱 3 5 DŽ ᗵ㾱Ⲵ䱢 ڊ 㺘䶒ˈ䖤ㄟ㺘䶒ㅹ ᐢ ᐕল䘋㹼䱢㞀㲰 ˈնᱟ ᵪۘᆈᰦӽ䴰 ޠ ᐕ㺘䶒 㞀 ᯭDŽᔪ䇞㓿ᑨ䖜ࣘал ᵪ䖤ˈ 䖤 㜲 ᐳ रDŽ ...

Page 6: ...N4024DŽ ᵪⲴส 㺘䶒ᗵ享ᱟᒣ䶒ˈᑨ ᵪ ᒣ䶒Ⲵᒣ䶒ᓖ ᵪᓗਧ FS ᒣ䶒ᓖ mm İ132 0 10 160 0 15 ı180 0 20 3 1 2 ᆹ㻵㾱 ҾᵪỠ䜘Ԧࡦ䙐 ޜ ᐞ 䈟ᐞⲴᆈ ˈ ᵪᓅ㝊ᆹ㻵ᒣ䶒оส ᆹ㻵Ⲵ᧕䀖ᒣ䶒ѻ䰤ˈਟ㜭ᆈ 䰤䳉DŽ ᆹ㻵ᰦˈᓄԄ㓶 ຎቪ 䟿 䰤䳉 DŽሩҾ 0 05mm Ⲵ䰤䳉ˈᓄᨂ ޕ ਸ䘲Ⲵປ䳉 DŽປ䳉 Ⲵቪረṩ ᦞᇎ䱵Ⲵ䰤䳉 䝽 ڊ DŽ ᨂ ޕ ਸ䘲 ᓖⲴປ䳉 3 1 3 ᵪᆹ㻵ᆼ ਾᗵ享ሶ ᤗ DŽᖃ ᵪㄆⴤᆹ㻵ф ᵪ䖤傡ࣘㄟੁлᰦˈᔪ䇞 䶎傡ࣘㄟ 䱢ᣔ㖙ˈӾ㘼ਟԕ䚯 ݽ ަԆཆ䜘 փ䘋 ޕ 仾ᡷ㖙ˈӾ㘼ᖡ ᵪᮓ DŽ 3 1 4 ᖃ ᵪㄆⴤᆹ㻵ф傡ࣘㄟ䖤ᵍкᆹ㻵ˈᔪ䇞 ڊ ᗵ㾱Ⲵ䱢ᣔ ᯭˈԕ䱢 փ ᵪ䖤䘋 ޕ ᵪDŽ 3 2 ᧕㓯ⴂ ᧕㓯ⴂᆹ㻵Ҿ ᵪ亦䜘ᡆ ח 䶒 ᐖ ח ᡆਣ ˈ ח ਟԕ 4 90º ᯩੁ 䖜ˈ ׯ Ҿ 㔶ཊ䀂ᓖᕅ ޕ DŽ ...

Page 7: ...DŽ ʽ 1 Ѫ ᰐ䴷ࣘ䘀㹼ˈՐࣘ㚄㔃ԦⲴࣘᒣ㺑ᯩᔿѪॺ䭞ᒣ㺑 2 䈳ᮤՐࣘ㚄㔃Ԧ䝽ਸ䗷〻ѝˈ享㘳㲁㚄㔃Ԧо ᵪⲴ ᓖ ຳ 3 ᖃ ᵪ ࡽ ࣘ ᴹ㚄㔃ԫօՐࣘԦᰦˈ ᵪ䖤кⲴ䭞ᗵ享 䲔DŽ 3 4 䘎᧕ ᡰᴹᐕ 䜭ᗵ享 㓳ᐕӪ䘋㹼 DŽ ᵪ ڊ ԫօ ᐕ ѻࡽˈ ᵪ оѫ㓯 䖵 ⓀᯝᔰDŽᒦфˈ Ⓚн㻛 ཆᔰ DŽ ᵪⲴ᧕㓯ⴂ 䜭ᴹ ޝ њ Ⓚ㓯᧕㓯ㄟᆀ єњ᧕ൠㄟᆀˈ ᵪⲴᵪ༣к䘈ᴹањ᧕ൠ DŽ ᡰᴹ ᵪ䜭䘲ਸৼੁ䖜ࣘ 䖜ᡆ㘵 䖜 ˈᒦф䙊䗷䈳ᮤަѝє Ⲵ亪ᒿণਟ ਈ ᵪ䖜ੁDŽ Ⓚ䘎᧕ ᵜ ࡇй ᔲ ࣘᵪ㓯സਟ䘎᧕ᡀᱏᖒǃй䀂ᖒDŽ ሩҾ 䘀㹼ˈ ݱ 䇨 ٿ ᐞѪ 5 ˈ仁 ٿ ᐞѪ 2 DŽ 㔶䘎᧕ ֻ ᵪᵪ༣ཆ᧕ൠ㓯 བྷሿԕ ᯩੁDŽ 䈧 㺘 1 ѝ᧕㓯ㄟᆀᤗ ˈ Ҿ᧕㓯ㄟᆀⲴᤗ ޣ 㺘 1 ᤗ Nmˈ ޜ ᐞ 10 5 ...

Page 8: ... ӂ䘎᧕ˈU1ǃV1ǃW1 ㄟ䘎᧕ Ⓚ㘼ᇎ ˈྲлമ ᡰ U1 U2 V2 W2 W1 V1 й䀂ᖒ䘎᧕ й䀂ᖒ䘎᧕ᱟ䙊䗷й 㔅㓴Ⲵㄟᆀ俆ቮ ᧕ 㘼ᇎ ˈྲлമᡰ U1 W2 V1 U2 W1 V2 㤕᧕㓯ⴂⲴ䖵ࣙᡆѫ䘋㓯ᆄ 㪋 ޠ ᇶሱˈ䴰㾱 ḷ Ⲵᢣ ᶕᤗᔰDŽ 㔅㓴 ᣔ ᵪᴹй 㿴ṬⲴՐᝏಘ ᵪ㕆ਧⲴㅜ 15 սᆇ PTC 䱫 Ҿᣕ䆖 145 ºC ᡆ䐣䰨 ᣔ 155 ºC PT100 䱫 Ҿ ᇊ䖤 ᡆ㔅㓴 ᓖ KTY84 130 Ҿ㔅㓴 ˈ ᓖՐᝏಘ ...

Page 9: ...䇞 ᔰ Ⓚ ࣘѻࡽሩ ս䰤Ⲵ㔍㕈 䱫䘋㹼 䟿DŽ 䆖 㔍㕈 䱫 䟿ᆼᡀਾⲴ ᰦ䰤 ˈ᧕㓯ㄟᆀ䘈ਟ㜭ᑖᴹаᇊⲴড䲙儈 ˈ䈧यⴤ᧕䀖 DŽ 㔍㕈 䱫 ᴰሿ㔍㕈 䱫 ᯠ ᵪᡆ㔅㓴㔤 ਾⲴ ᵪሩൠ 䱫Ѫ10MȍDŽ Ѥ 䱫 Ѥ 䱫Ⲵ䇑 ᯩ Ѫ仍 ᇊ ԕ ᮠˈྲ仍ᇊ 690V ᵪѤ 䱫ਟ䇑 ྲл Ѥ 䱫 0 69kV 0 5Mȍ kV 0 3450ȍ T 䟿ᯩ ᴰሿ㔍㕈 䱫Ⲵ 䟿 㔅㓴ሩൠ 䱫Ⲵ 䟿ਟԕ䙊䗷ሩ㔅㓴ᯭ 500Vⴤ ᶕ 䟿ˈ㔅㓴 ᓖ䴰 䇱 25 ºC 15 ºCDŽ C 2PTC PT100 2PT100 KTY84 Q5A Q04 73 73 73 73 73 73 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 а㓴й㣟Ѣ 㚄Ⲵ37 ㅜ սѪ є㓴й㣟Ѣ㚄 Ⲵ37 ㅜ սѪ йњঅ є㓯ࡦ37 ㅜ սѪ ањ 7 ᓖՐᝏಘ ㅜ սѪ єњ 7 ᓖՐᝏಘ ㅜ սѪ 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ...

Page 10: ...ᵪ ᓖਇߧতӻ䍘 ຳ ᓖⲴᖡ DŽሩ ᵪ㔅㓴 ॷⲴ 䟿ˈ䙊ᑨᱟ亴 ݳ Ԧ ྲ PT100 ˈ ݳ Ԧ䙊䗷ᕅࠪ㓯䘎᧕᧗ࡦ 㔏ˈሩ ᵪ䘋㹼 ˈᡆ㘵 儈 ᇶⲴ 䱫 䘋㹼᧘ DŽྲ䴰 䟿 ᵪᵪ༣㺘䶒 ᓖˈᓄ䟷 у䰘ⲴԚಘ ྲ㓒ཆ Ԛ 䘋㹼 䟿ˈ 䟿ս㖞а㡜 ᵪ ᆄս㖞ᡆ ᵪѝ䰤ս㖞DŽ 3 7 ਈ仁ಘᓄ ᵪ䍏䖭䖜 нっᇊᰦ ྲ ຎᔿ 㕙ᵪˈ䍏䖭 ˈᗵ Պሬ㠤䶎 ᕖ ˈ䈕 Ⲵ䉀 Պሩ 㔏䙐ᡀᖡ ˈ㘼ӗ 䗷ཊᒢᢠDŽ ެᇩᙗ ᖃਈ仁ಘ傡ࣘ ᵪᰦˈ ᒢᢠⲴ〻ᓖབྷሿਆߣҾਈ仁ಘⲴ ර ˈIGBT ᮠ䟿ˈᒢᢠ᧗ࡦ ᯭ ࡦ䙐 ǃᐳ㓯ǃ䐍 ԕ ᓄ 䴰 DŽ 䇮䇑 ᓄ 䱦 ᗵ享 㘳ਈ仁ಘࡦ䙐 ޣ Ҿ ެᇩᙗⲴᆹ㻵ᤷሬDŽ ྲ ਈ仁ಘ傡ࣘ ᵪˈ䖜䙏䎵䗷 ᵪ仍ᇊ䖜䙏ᰦˈᗵ享㘳㲁ሩ ᵪⲴᵪ Ỡ䴦䜘Ԧ Րࣘ㚄㔃ԦⲴᖡ DŽ ᴤཊ ᇩˈ䈧 㘳 IEC 60034 1DŽ ಚ༠ˈ ॷ ᥟࣘ ᵪ ਈ仁䘀㹼ᰦˈ ᵪಚ༠ǃ ॷሶՊᴹᡰ DŽ ਈ仁ᓄ...

Page 11: ...20 000 ሿᰦDŽ䘉䟼ᡰ䈤Ⲵ 20 000 ᡆ 40 000 ሿᰦᤷⲴᱟˈ ᵪ ຳ ᓖн䎵䗷 40 ºCˈ ᵪ䬝 кḷᇊⲴᮠᦞ ᑨ䘀䖜Ⲵ ᛵߥлਟ䗮ࡠⲴሯભDŽ ʽ 1 ຳ ᓖ䎵䗷 40 ºC ਾˈ ॷ儈 10 ºCˈ 㜲Ⲵሯભ䱽վаॺDŽ 2 ᵪ ⴤᆹ㻵ǃཆ ຳ䶎ᑨᚦ ǃਇཆ䜘ᵪỠᥟࣘᡆ Ҿ ᓖ 䖳བྷⲴ ຳѝ䘀 㹼Ⲵᛵߥлˈ 㜲Ⲵሯભԕ 䖤 ⲴሯભሶՊ㕙 DŽ 3 䮯ᵏⲴۘᆈՊ䱽վ䖤 Ⲵሯભˈ ᵪ 䮯ᵏۘᆈ䎵䗷 24 њᴸᰦˈ傡ࣘㄟ 䶎傡ࣘㄟ Ⲵ䖤 䴰㾱䟽ᯠ DŽ 4 㾱 Ⲵ ᰦ䰤䰤䳄 㜲䟿䘋㹼ᇊᵏ DŽ 䆖 ᵪ䮯ᵏਈ仁儈䙏䘀䖜Պሶ䱽վ䖤 㜲Ⲵሯભ 4 2 㜲 ර 㜲 ර UNIREX N3 Esso ˈਸᡀ 㜲ㅖਸ DIN 51825 K3N 㿴ᇊDŽ 4 3 㜲ሯભ ઘᵏ ᵪḷ 䝽㖞ᑖ 㻵㖞ˈ ઘᵏ 㜲䟿㿱л㺘DŽ ʽ ྲ ᵪ ⴤᆹ㻵ǃ䘀㹼ᰦᆈ 䖳བྷ䴷ࣘǃᴹ䍏䖭ケਈⲴᛵߥᡆ㘵㓿ᑨਈੁ ˈᓄ䈕 ᴤ...

Page 12: ...ˈ ᖃ ᵪ ڌ лਾˈሶ Ⲵ 㜲 ޕ DŽ ྲ ᵪ䖤傡ࣘㄟ䖤 ᡆ䶎傡ࣘㄟ䖤 䗷 ˈᔪ䇞Ựḕ䖤 ᦏᛵߥˈྲᴹᗵ㾱ˈࡉ䴰ᴤᦒ䖤 ᡆ 㜲DŽ ʽ ྲ 䗷 ˈ䖤 㜲仌㢢ሶՊਈ DŽ 4 5 䖤 ᴤᦒ 㻵䝽о ন ᖃ䖤 ሯભ㓸Ҷᰦˈ ࣘᵪ䘀㹼Ⲵᥟࣘ ಚ༠ሶ ᱮ བྷˈᓄᴤᦒ䖤 DŽ ʽ ᴤᦒᯠ䖤 Ⲵ㿴Ṭරਧᓄоᰗ䖤 ㅖ л ᵪⲴᗵ㾱䜘 ˈ уъⲴᐕާሶ ࣘ䖤 ࠪDŽ ᆹ㻵ᯠⲴ䖤 ѻࡽˈ俆 ݸ 䖤 ӗ ᨀ ޣ Ⲵ 䈤 ሩ䖤 䘋㹼亴 ˈ ਾሶ䖤 㻵 ޕ 䖜ᆀ 䖤DŽ 䖤ᴤᦒਾˈᰗ䖤ሱ V ර ᡆ ሱ ҏᗵ享ᴤᦒDŽ 䆖 ᴤᦒ䖤 ᰦˈѕṬ ԫօߢࠫ ࠫᢃ ࡇྲ 䭔ཤㅹ ˈԕ䱢ᦏᇣ䖤 ˈ䙐ᡀ䗷ᰙᦏൿDŽ ቪረ M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 䖜䐍 Nm 2 3 5 6 16 28 46 110 225 ޣ Ҿㄟⴆᡆ ⴈޠ к㷪ṃⲴᤗ ˈ䈧 㺘 5 ѝ㷪ṃⲴᤗ བྷሿ ᯩੁ ᤗ Nmˈ ޜ ᐞ 10 ...

Page 13: ...5 0 ࣘ 亴 Ựḕ ᵪㅜа 䙊 ࡽˈᔪ䇞亴 ڊݸ алࠐњᯩ䶒ⲴỰḕ 1 㷪ṃᤗ ˈवᤜՐࣘ䘎㔃ԦкⲴ㷪ṃ 2 ᵪߧত仾ᡷ ᴹ㻛 տ 3 䖤 ݵ 4 Ⓚԕ ᧕㓯ᯩᔿо䬝 а㠤ˈ ᧕ⴤ ࣘǃ䖟䎧ࣘǃᡆਈ仁 ࣘㅹᮠᦞо䬝 а㠤 5 ᧕ ൠ 6 㤕 ᵪ䝽ᴹ ᣔՐᝏಘᡆ䱢 ᑖˈ 䘉ӋಘԦⲴㄟᆀ᧕㓯 DŽ ᖃ ᵪ᧕䙊 ⓀਾˈỰḕ ᶱⲴ䖜ੁԕ オ 䙊ᯩੁᱟ DŽ ǃᥟࣘǃಚ༠ㅹᱟ ᑨDŽ 䈕ӗ Ⲵањᡆཊњ㓴ᡀ ѝਜ਼ᴹ儈 ޣ 䍘 ى 䘹 অѝⲴԕл 䍘䎵䗷 Ь 6㕆ਧ ˈ䫵 สҾ ᴹؑ ˈ 㿴㤳ॆ ⲴᶑԦлˈवᤜᓏᔳ ˈ䈕 䍘нՊӗ 仾䲙DŽ 5 ࡄ ॕ ࣩ ؓ ...

Page 14: ...12 ...

Page 15: ...n 16 3 2 Terminal Box 17 3 3 Balancing and Transmission Coupling 17 3 4 Electrical Connection 18 3 5 Insulation Resistance Inspection 20 3 6 Temperature Inspection 21 3 7 Converter Application 21 4 0 MAINTENANCE 22 4 1 Bearing Lifetime 22 4 2 Grease Type 23 4 3 Grease Lifetime and Re greasing Intervals 23 4 4 Re greasing Procedure 23 4 5 Bearing Replacement 24 4 6 Drain Plug 25 5 0 START UP 25 ...

Page 16: ...14 ...

Page 17: ...ponding to their basic type of construction Prior to lifting the motor make sure that the lifting eyes are installed correctly and tightened Never lift a motor using the rotor shaft and fan cowling In addition care must be taken during lifting and lowering of the motor to avoid any shocks or vibrations which can result in bearing damages It is recommended that all motor be stored in a dry dust fre...

Page 18: must be carried out by a skilled worker Before starting any work be sure to isolate the machine from the main and auxiliary power supply as applicable Mains must be secured against accidental switch on 3 1 Installation A fine foundation and exact installation is regarded as a basic requirement for coming long time reliable working Inappropriate foundation or installation may cause abnormal mo...

Page 19: ...s facing upwards a protective canopy and or suitable protective measures are recommended to be taken to prevent liquids from entering the motor windings via the shaft 3 2 Terminal box Terminal box is either top or side mounted LHS or RHS on the motor and can be rotated 4 times by 90º thus allowing for multiple cable entry possibilities 3 3 Balancing and coupling of transmission elements To ensure ...

Page 20: ...motors are suitable for bi directional rotation CW or CCW Rotation direction can be changed by exchanging any two phases Mains Power Connection Windings of standard three phase single speed motors can be connected either in star or delta connection Voltage and frequency deviations of 5 VAC and 2 Hz respectively of the rated voltage and frequency values are acceptable for proper operation Cable Con...

Page 21: ...e next phase Note If the auxiliary or mains cable entries on the terminal box is sealed with gland plugs a flat standard screw driver is required for removal Winding Protection Motors have three types of electrical protection sensors PTC used for temperature alarming 145 ºC or tripping function 155 ºC PT100 used for monitoring temperature of bearing or stator windings KTY84 130 used for motor temp...

Page 22: ...20 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6L WUL ZLUH 37 WK GLJLW LV WK GLJLW LV 4 WK GLJLW LV 5 6L EL ZLUH 37 7KUHH WUL ZLUH 37 ...

Page 23: ...laced or repaired 3 6 Temperature measurement Temperature is an important reference index of motor running the important parts for motor real time temperature the operation state effective prevention of master motor fault to ensure reliable operation is very important The motor temperature is influenced by cooling medium and environmental temperature Measurement of motor winding temperature rise u...

Page 24: ...the rated speed vibration of motor will increase Thereforethe mechanical smooth running is changed and lifetime of grease and bearing will be reduced 4 0 MAINTENAINCE Before starting any service and maintenance work on the motor the motor must be properly isolated from the mains and auxiliary power The usual 5 safety rules as set forth in DIN VDE 0105 are Isolate the equipment Take effective measu...

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Page 26: the end of their useful lifespan the vibration and noise levels of the motor will increase considerably Then the bearing must be replaced 24 Noticeʽ Worn or damaged bearings must be replaced with an equivalent bearing matching the original specifications When replacing the bearing dismantle the necessary parts and use a suitable bearing extraction tool to remove the damaged or worn bearing Befo...

Page 27: ...nnection method is according to rating plate Operation of DOL Soft start and VSD are set according to parameters on rating plate 5 Proper connection of earthing grounding 6 Connections of sensors and heaters terminals if have After motor is powered on check motor s rotation direction and air flow Check whether the current vibration and noise is normal QIRUPDWLRQ DFFRUGLQJ WR UWLFOH RI WKH 5 UHJXOD...

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Page 29: ...Ⲵа㡜䈤 ᙗӻ㓽DŽ᮷ѝ ᇩਟ㜭оᇎ䱵ᓄ Ⲵᛵߥᴹᡰࠪ 㾯䰘ᆀ ѝഭ ᴹ䲀 ޜ ਨ ྲᴹਈࣘˈᚅнһ ݸ 䙊 ޕ ˈᒦфਟ㜭Պ䲿 ӗ Ⲵ䘋а ᔰਁ㘼ਁ ਈ ᐕъъ 亶ฏ 䇒䍗ਧ ॆDŽӵᖃ ޣ ਸ ᶑⅮѝᴹ 㿴ᇊᰦˈ㾯䰘ᆀ 傡ࣘᢰᵟ䳶ഒ ᯩᴹ䍓ԫᨀ ᮷ѝᡰ䘠Ⲵӗ ᙗDŽ 㾯䰘ᆀ ޜ ਨ ᵳᡰᴹ ѝ Ⲵᡰᴹ ਟ㜭ᱟ㾯䰘ᆀ ޜ ਨᡆަ www ad siemens com cn ᓄ Ⲵ ḷᡆӗ ˈྲ ㅜйᯩ 㠚 ਟ㜭Պ ץ ᡰᴹ㘵Ⲵᵳ ...
