4.11 Communication with the CPU
CP 1243-8 IRC
Operating Instructions, 02/2018, C79000-G8976-C385-03
Frame memory overflow
PLC tag (data type byte) for the send buffer overflow pre-warning. Bit 0 is set to 1 when
80 % of the fill level of the send buffer is reached.
Frame memory size
PLC tag (data type DWord) for the occupation of the send buffer. The number of saved
frames is displayed.
Current IP address
PLC tag (data type String) for the current IP address of the CP.
VPN status
The PLC tag (BOOL) indicates whether a VPN tunnel is established:
0 = No VPN tunnel established
1 = VPN tunnel established
Connection to SINEMA Remote Connect
The PLC tag (BOOL) indicates whether there is a connection to the SINEMA RC server:
0 = No connection established
1 = Connection established
Partner status / path status
The partner and path status can only be monitored for the CP with a firmware version as of
V3 and when using the ST7 protocol.
For the CP with firmware version V2.1 or when using the DNP3 or IEC protocol the
monitoring of the partner status csan be activated in the parameter group "Partner stations".
Monitoring functions
Telecontrol connections must be created for the configuration, see section Creating
telecontrol connections for the ST7 communication (Page 122).
The following statuses are monitored and written to PLC tags:
Partner status
Availability of a communication partner
Path status
Status of the connections to a communication partner
Partner name
This is where you define the communication partners of the selected module whose
reachability status and path status of the telecontrol connections should be monitored.
Partners can be CPUs or a control center application (for example, ST7cc).
All partners with which a telecontrol connection has been configured can be selected in the