CPU 410 Expansion Pack
This product entitles you to upgrade the System Expansion Card of a CPU 410-5H. A CPU
410 Expansion Pack includes the following:
● An upgrade license (COL)
● A data medium with the corresponding upgrade license key
In order to use the CPU 410 Expansion Pack, you need to prepare and perform an upgrade
as described in the procedure.
File containing all information for generating the PO-Release-File with the new PO volume that
is needed for the upgrade. The PO-Activation-File is created by the Automation License
Manager and must be sent to Siemens Customer Support.
System Expansion Card and PO-Activation-File form one unit
The System Expansion Card and the PO-Activation-File form a unit once assigned. The
upgrade is valid for this System Expansion Card.
Support Request
You need to create a Support Request and send the PO-Activation-File to Siemens Customer
Support as an attachment. You will receive the PO-Release-File as an answer.
File for the upgrade to the requested PO volume. For the upgrade to take effect, the PO-
Release-File must be assigned to the original System Expansion Card with the Automation
License Manager.
You obtain the PO-Release-File from Customer Support after you send the PO-Activation-File
to Siemens Customer Support.
Ordering an upgrade for a CPU 410-5H
The information about upgrading process objects (PO) only applies to a CPU of the type "CPU
410-5H as of version V8.1".
Process objects of an automation system that require a license
Displaying the number of process objects of an automation system that require a license in
SIMATIC Manager:
Ensuring Availability
3.5 Licenses and license keys
Service Support and Diagnostics (V8.2)
Service Manual, 03/2016, A5E36200111-AA