Diagnostics for
Diagnostics tool
Called via
Status of network components, status
of a WinCC application
Configuration with HW Config and loading of PC
station required
Call: in the taskbar via the button:
Connections to intelligent field devices SIMATIC PDM (Page 133)
In SIMATIC Manager: Options > Set PG/PC In‐
PC Ethernet modules
(Page 116)
In the Start menu, Siemens SIMATIC programs:
STEP 7 > NCM S7 Industrial Ethernet > Diag‐
Status of configured channels and
their connections to the SIMATIC sta‐
In the Start menu, Siemens SIMATIC programs:
WinCC > Tools > Channel Diagnostics > "Chan‐
nels/Connections" tab
Connections to the OS: faulty or estab‐
Lifebeat monitoring (Page 119)
Call picture (@CONFIG.PDL) in process mode.
Lifebeat Monitoring must have been set up.
Status of process interface
Status of connections (Page 124) In the WinCC Explorer: Options > Status of Con‐
Client-server connections
Status of multi-user operation
(Page 123)
In the WinCC Explorer: Options > Status of Multi-
User Operation
Determine stations
Find IP address and MAC address
Message frames
BANY (add-on product)
If you have installed BANYnet, call the program
with the menu command Start menu > Programs
> BANYnet.
PROFIBUS DP connections
You can find additional information in the section
"Diagnostics on PROFIBUS DP (Page 99)"
PROFIBUS PA connections
You can find additional information in the section
"Diagnostics on PROFIBUS PA (Page 101)".
Status of devices which support
SNMP (e.g., network switches)
In the Start menu, Siemens SIMATIC programs:
PC DiagMonitor > Management Station
Diagnostics during configuration
Diagnostics for
Diagnostics tool
Called via
Consistency of hardware configuration HW Config (Page 130)
Menu command Station > Check Consistency
Consistency of PC station configuration Station Configuration Editor
Click the following icon in the taskbar:
Analyze "Status" column table entry
Block consistency in a SIMATIC station SIMATIC Manager (Page 128) Select SIMATIC Station > S7 Program > Blocks
Menu command Edit > Check Block Consistency
Chart consistency in a SIMATIC station SIMATIC Manager (Page 128) Select SIMATIC Station > S7 Program > Charts
Menu command Edit > Check Consistency
Diagnostics in PCS 7
8.6 Diagnostics during configuration
Service Support and Diagnostics (V8.2)
Service Manual, 03/2016, A5E36200111-AA