The message classes and message types must be configured identically on the connected
OS servers if you operate the OPC A&E server as follows:
● On an OS client
● on a WinCCconnectivity station
● within the scope of OpenPCS 7
If the OS server is not configured identically, the OPC client that is used must access the
respective OS server directly.
Mapping the message classes and message types of PCS 7 OS on OPC A&E
Mapping of the message classes
The PCS 7 OS message system provides information on fault and operational states in the
process. A PCS 7 OS message always belongs to a particular message class and message
type that is in turn related to an event category.
Event category
Each combination of message class and message type is mapped to an event category on
the OPC A&E server. An event category is identified by a CategoryID and a category
The CategoryID is made up of the internal PCS 7 OS ID of the message class and message
The category description is made up of the name of the message class and message type.
The names of the message classes and message types can be obtained explicitly using the
alarm attributes CLASSNAME and TYPENAME.
Mapping priorities of PCS 7 OS messages to OPC A&E
Mapping priorities
The priority of messages is mapped by the OPC A&E server to the "Severity" attribute. When
configuring alarms in the message system, you can configure a priority from "0" to "16". The
OPC A&E specification defines a range of values from "1" to "1000" for the severity. "1" stands
for the lowest and "1000" for the highest severity. For this reason, the values of the priority are
suitably mapped to the OPC severity. In the standard mapping, priority "0" is assigned to OPC
OpenPCS 7 interface
6.5 OPC Alarms and Events (OPC A&E)
OpenPCS 7
Function Manual, 05/2012, A5E02780178-02