NTP Server
On this WBM page, you configure the device as an NTP server or as an NTP server of the type
"NTP (secure)". The other devices can call up the time made available by the device via this
NTP server. This means that the supplied devices are not dependent on a connection to an
external time server.
Time synchronization
Also configure the device as NTP client so that it synchronizes the connected devices to a
correct time. As NTP client, the device gets the precise time from an external time server and
as NTP server distributes it to its NTP clients.
The NTP server does not send cyclic messages with time information on its own, but only
responds to corresponding requests. Settings in the function as a client (time zone and daylight
saving time) do not influence the time information that the device sends as a server.
● To receive the NTP frames, enable the entry "System Time" under "Security > Firewall >
Predefined IPv4 rules".
The page contains the following boxes:
● NTP Server
Enable or disable the service of the NTP server.
SNTP Client in Listen mode and NTP Server cannot be enabled at the same time.
● Interface
Specify the interface via which the time is transferred using NTP.
Configuring with Web Based Management
4.5 "System" menu
SCALANCE S615 Web Based Management
Configuration Manual, 11/2019, C79000-G8976-C388-08