Chapter 3
Device Management
User Guide
Performing Cable Diagnostics
When a cable fault is detected, an estimated distance-to-fault is calculated and recorded in the system
log. The log lists the cable pair, the fault that was detected, and the distance-to-fault value. For more
information about the system log, refer to
Section 3.5.1, “Viewing Local Logs”
Performing Cable Diagnostics
To perform a cable diagnostic test on one or more Ethernet ports, do the following:
1. Connect a CAT-5 (or better quality) Ethernet cable to the selected Ethernet port.
Both the selected Ethernet port and its partner port can be configured to run in Enabled mode with
auto-negotiation, or in Disabled mode. Other modes are not recommended, as they may interfere
with the cable diagnostics procedure.
2. Connect the other end of the cable to a similar network port. For example, connect a 100Base-T port to a
100Base-T port, or a 1000Base-T port to a 1000Base-T port.
3. In ROS, navigate to
Ethernet Ports
Configure/View Cable Diagnostics Parameters
. The
Diagnostics Parameters
table appears.
Figure 32: Cable Diagnostics Parameters Table
4. Select an Ethernet port. The
Cable Diagnostics Parameters
form appears.