1. Note the specific color of the zone plug and the system plug.
The system plug (orange) confirms all zones as a function of a
system alarm, whereas the zone plug (white) may confirm some
zones and not others. Refer to the plug arrangement and the
modules controlled in the above examples.
2. P2 is the incoming bus plug and must be connected to the
control panel.
3. Operation - The RC-30U interrupts the transmission of an alarm
signal to the system control panel for a factory-set period of 15
seconds. Immediately following the interruption period, a
confirmation period is in effect, during which time a subsequent
alarm signal, if present, is sent immediately to the control panel.
This confirmation period is factory-set at 1 minute.
4. The RC-30U cannot be used to confirm shorting zones.
5. Terminals 1 and 2 are provided in case a trouble output delay is
desired. If it is, remove jumper terminals 1 and 2, and connect
terminal 1 of RC-30U to terminals 1 and 2 of the TL-30U and
terminal 2 of RC-30U to terminal 3 of the TL-30U. The TL-30U
delay must not exceed 200 seconds.
6. When the RC-30U module is installed, apply the WARNING
label (P/N 575-287974) enclosed to the inside of the control unit
door where it is plainly visible.
7. Minimum wire size: 18 AWG
Maximum wire size: 12 AWG
8. Refer to P/N 315-093680 for power limited connections.
9. All terminals are non-power limited on the RC-30U.
If the preceding module is on another row in
the enclosure, a JA-24 (24 in long) bus connector
cable assembly will be required.
Modules are to be bus-connected from right to left.
For two-row enclosures, the modules in the lower row
are to be connected from left to right. Succeeding rows
are to be alternately connected, right to left, left to
right, etc.
If a module is the last module in the system, install
either a JS-30 (30 in long) or JS-64 (64 in long) bus
connector assembly from the unused receptacle of
the last module to terminal 41 of the CP-35 control
panel. This completes the module supervision circuit.
Wire the circuit(s) as described in the CP-35 Control
Panel Instruction Manual (P/N 315-085063)
and Wiring.
Refer to the Wiring illustration.
If a zone is not used, the EOL device should
be connected to the alarm initiating circuit
terminals 2
and 3 (Zone 1) or 4 and 5 (Zone 2) of the module.
If a supplementary relay module, annunciator, or
other output module is used, then the alarm outputs,
terminals 1 (Zone 1) and 6 (Zone 2), should be
connected to these units.
Wiring Test
Refer to the CP-35 Control Panel Instruction Manual,
stallation and Wiring.
P/N 315-085462-7