GAMMA instabus
Technical Product Information
February 2013
IP Controller N350E
5WG1 350-1EB01
Siemens AG
N350E, 4 Seiten
Technical manual
Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Building Technologies
Control Products and Systems
© Siemens AG 2013
P.O. Box 10 09 53, D-93009 Regensburg
Subject to change without further notice
Product and Applications Description
The IP Controller N350E is a DIN rail mounted device.
It provides these functions:
Weekly scheduler
with up to 100 schedule entries for up to 80 channels,
with up to 8 periods for weekly schedules,
with astronomical schedule function
(+/- 2 hours from sun rise / sun set
Annual schedule
with up to 50 schedule entries for up to 80 channels
30 Logic gates
Event programs with a total of up to 200 event com-
mand actions
Event program trigger via schedules, logic functions or
up to 30 threshold values
Configuration of scheduler functions, event programs,
and logic functions via IP network
(protocol used: KNXnet/IP Device Configuration)
Battery buffered real-time clock
Display of date and time on LC-display
Real-time clock setting manually with three push but-
tons or automatically by a network (Internet) time ser-
Time zone selection for automatic time synchroniza-
Automatic Daylight Savings Time change-over se-
DHCP for automatic IP address assignment
Communication via IP network with
- a visualization software
- ETS3 acting as a configuration interface
Via ETS up to 80 objects can be defined for the device
with free data type assignment from this list of data
1 bit (EIS1)
1 Byte, unsigned (EIS 14)
1 Byte, signed (EIS 14)
2 Byte, unsigned (EIS 10)
2 Byte, signed (EIS 10)
2 Byte, float (EIS 5)
4 Byte, unsigned (EIS 11)
4 Byte, signed (EIS 11)
4 Byte, float (EIS 9)
All defined objects can be used freely by all software
modules. Hence, up to 80 objects can be selected from
for schedule functions, as input for logic gates, as event
triggers, or as output of event programs (scenes).
With the ETS (Engineering Tool Software) the application
program is selected, its parameters and addresses are
assigned appropriately, and downloaded to the IP Con-
troller N350E.
Application program
21 CO IP Controller 908701
80 objects
100 schedules
50 annual schedules
100 event programs (scenes)
10 logic gates
sends date and time
IP communication for remote configuration and visual-
Supported Software
Here is a list of software supporting the IP Controller
N 350E.
ComBridge Studio Evolution
Hölscher Str. 27
47167 Duisburg
KNX Association
De Kleetlaan 5, Bus 11
B-1831 Brussels-Diegem