Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG
Version 1.5
J. Junggebauer
1. Introduction
This document describes the service procedures and test instructions of an A160/65 and
A260/65 system.
The construction of the A160 is identical with CL6010 and C360. The PCB is different.
The PCBs of the AC 160/165/265 system are identical with the A160/165/265 system.
The construction of the A165 is identical with CL6015 and C365. The PCB is different.
The construction of the A260 is identical with C360 HF. The PCB is different.
The construction of the A265 is identical with C365 HF. The PCB is different.
1.1 Purpose
This document enables a workshop to check the above mentioned systems.
The test is necessary to decide whether this unit is faulty.
1.2 Scope
Scopes of the document are service procedures and test steps.
1.3 Terms and Abbreviations
1.3.1 Terms
1.3.2 Abbreviations